Chapter 38

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Third Person's POV

The growls and the snarls of the zombies echoes around the whole construction site as Cheong-san led all of them away.

Minra stood still, not once the zombies acknowledge her presence. Some even stumble near her but they're only focus on Cheong-san.

She peeks through the corner, making sure that no zombie was left before she made her way towards the window, "Let's go,"

The group of survivors climbed the window one by one while Minra stood guard, waiting for all of them to get inside as she roam her eyes around the unfinished building.

She could still hear Cheong-san's voice screaming to distract the zombies. One whiff on the air, she could tell the shift on Cheong-san's scent.

When they're all in, Minra lead them with light step, straining her ears for any sound and eyes focused on the whole place.

When they reach the first floor, Minra stood behind, letting the non-infected to run first. As they run towards the mountain, she looks back to the construction site, "I'll bring them home, I'll promise. And I'm not going to let any of them die now."

So she ran. As they run to forest, Minra couldn't help but to cover her ears again because of the cluster sound of explosion and the scent of burning permeates the air. If it wasn't for the twin's heightened smell, they wouldn't even catch the faint scent of  burning flesh wafting on the air.

Minra watches as the fire eats the whole school, spreading around while debris varying from sizes starts to drop to the air like lethal rain. The ground shook, making it harder for them to stay upright.

"Crouch down!" Minra instructed them through the loud explosions just as the tsunami of dust, rocks, and other materials created by the overpressure knocks them on their foot, blasting them scattered to each other as they lose their consciousness.

When Minra had woke up, the sky is already dark and her ears are ringing. There's something pinning her to the ground and at first, she thought that it was a debri but when she turn to look at it, it wasn't any object nor a debri but arms. She followed the first one holding her waist and found Su-hyeok on the other end while the hand holding---protecting her head is of Wujin.

She slowly stood up, their limp arms falling as she leans to the both of them and places her fingers on their neck, feeling for a pulse. She releases a sigh she didn't know she's holding when she felt a stable pulse from the both of them.

"Minra-yah," the voice of her sister called her.

Minra turn her head to look over her shoulder and the weight on her heart is lifted up when she saw her sister, "Nam-ra yah, are you okay?" she stood up to walk towards her sister.

"I'm fine. Are you?" she asks back to which the younger nodded her head to.

Her eyes roam around the place, mentally counting down the unconscious body around the place and finally relaxes when no one is missing, "Let's wake them up first."

She walk back to where the two are sprawled around, shaking Wujin first, "Wujin-ah, wake up."

The said guy starts stirring, waking up with a pounding headache as he slowly opens his eyes, adjusting to the darkness as his eye sight caught a figure of a girl leaning down to him, shaking him awake, "Am I in heaven now?" he asks, clearly delusional.

Minra rolls her eyes, slapping him on the chest hard that made him to cringe in pain, "Maybe not." he groans, holding his stinging chest as Minra left her to wake the next guy up.

"Wake up, Su-hyeok ah," she shakes Su-hyeok's body and contrary to the former guy, Su-hyeok didn't wake up silly.

He suddenly jolted up, the back of his head hitting Minra on the nose since she's leaning down. The two of them winces in pain, Minra holding her nose while Su-hyeok holding the back of his head.

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