Chapter 37

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Third Person's POV

Gasping as her fingers starts crunching, Nam-ra buried her face on her arms, tightly closing her eyes as her heart burns, her throat constricting as she felt an intense hunger that not even her favorite dish could suffice.

She's suffering silently as she clutch her chest in pain, her bones cracking and her eye had turned red.

Eat him.

She involuntarily turn her head, seeing Su-hyeok's neck bared and seemingly seducing her to take a bite.

It's okay. Eat him.

Her teeth starts to itch as her head starts twitching. Nam-ra's face starts leaning towards the sleeping Su-hyeok, teeth bare as it itches her to take a bite.

None of them are awake, choosing to rest for awhile while waiting for the seniors. Minra has yet to tell her plan but she wanted to wait for them to be completed so she could say it all at once.

Minra slowly opens her eyes, heightened hearing catching a grunt and faint bone cracking. She turned her head to where she hears the sound, it was Nam-ra, leaning towards Su-hyeok and has her teeth bared.

As quietly as she could, she went behind her sister, covering her eyes as she motion for her to stand up, pulling her into a hug, "It's okay," she coos caressing her back.

Su-hyeok woke up because of the movement and when he turn to look beside her, she saw the twins hugging, with the older's head buried on the younger's neck.

"What happened?" the lad mouthed to which Minra shooks her head.

She pulls Nam-ra towards the other staging, away from the others so she could calm down.

"I-I'm hungry," Nam-ra stuttered, "I wanted to bite Su-hyeok."

Minra's eyes fell to her arms, her wrist had a fresh bite mark. Her eyes immediately waters, grabbing Nam-ra's wrist, "Did you do it? Did you bite yourself?"

"I'm hungry. I wanted to bite everyone," despite of not saying it directly, the answer was already implied.

"Since when did you start doing this?" her tone laces with worry, lightly grabbing Nam-ra's hand that she had bitten, "Give me your handkerchief,"

With trembling hand, Nam-ra fishes the fabric on her pocket, handing it to the younger who accepts it silently, "We're going to get food once we leave this shithole, okay? I'll find you food."

When watching them in this situation, it seems that the oldest twin is Minra while the younger is Nam-ra when it is really the opposite. The former is always the more showy and caring twin while the latter has her own way of showing that she cared. Nonetheless, anyone who meet the twins can tell that their love for each other is pure.

A tear fell on Nam-ra's eyes which the younger immediately wipes. But Nam-ra shied away, leaning back as the younger reaches to wipe her tears, "It's not food that I want to eat, Minra. I-I want to bite people. I-I'm turning into a monster, am I?"

Minra's expression soften, grabbing Nam-ra's hands and intertwining them with hers, "Nam, you're not a monster and you're not going to turn into one. You're actually doing good, you're not hurting anyone."

Nam-ra looks down, "I'm about to..."

Minra's hand that is folding the handkerchief halted but she continues, placing the folded handkerchief around her head to hide her eyes, "Maybe if you can't see in your zombie eye, you won't get tempted."

"Minra-yah, aren't you hungry too?" Nam-ra suddenly asks.

Minra froze slightly, eyes looking down before she answers, "I am, we all are."

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