Chapter 12

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"You were bitten?" my eyes flew down to my arm, an ugly bite mark tarnishes my nonetheless smooth skin. Black veins protruding from the bite mark, bright red liquid keeps gushing out from the hole.

"I-I----" I lift my head up, my eyes meeting Jihyun's glare.

"Jihyun-ah," I called her, walking towards her but she stumble back to try and get away from me. My heart tears into two.

"Don't come closer!" my heart broke at the disgust written on her face. My head turn to Nam-ra, reaching out for her but like Jihyun, she steps back.

"You betrayed us." Nam-ra said, face void of emotion.

I turn to Su-hyeok next, "Suhyeok-ah." steps back.

"Wujin-ah," steps back.

"Dae-su?" steps back.

"Yah, On-jo yah." she shook her head as she too, steps back.

"I-I don't understand. W-what's happening?"

Blood. the stench of blood is too strong, too overpowering. When I look up to ask my friends again, they were gone.

My brows furrowed when I wasn't in the broadcasting room anymore. I'm in a hallway---the entrance to the rooftop. As if I'm possessed, I lift my hands up and turn the knob to push it open.

There, on the rooftop ground were all of my friends. Jihyun, Nam-ra, Su-hyeok, Wujin, Dae-su, Joon-yeong, Cheong-san, On-Jo, Jimin, and the pink vest girl. Even I-sak, Gyeong-su, Nayeon, and Ms. Park were there. My mom was there too.

But they're not alive. They're bathing on crimson--- thick puddle of blood. My breath hitches.

I felt a tear escapes my eyes. I wanted to run to them but I seem to be rooted on the ground. I can't move, I can only see and sob as I try calling their names, hoping for them to answer me. For them to tell me they're not dead.

"Did you see that, Minra?" Gwi-nam suddenly appears in front of me. He was smiling, his mouth covered in blood.

"What did you do to them?!" I scream in gritted teeth. I force my fingers to move, will my limbs to move but to no avail.

Gwi-nam laugh, "I didn't do that. You did that." he pointed at me as he said 'you',

He walks towards me, my nose caught the scent of rotting flesh as he grab a piece of my hair, "Good girl. Made me so proud."

"Don't fucking touch me!" I spat at him but he only smirked at me more, "I-I didn't do it. I- I can't do that. I'm not the one w-who k-kill them. I-I can't--"

"Sweetheart, look at them," he grab my chin, forcing me to look at the lifeless body of my friends, "You did that. You killed all of them."

I jolted up awake, my eyes immediately scanning the whole room. I was greeted with the warm sunlight, contrasting the cold breeze blowing from the broken window.

My eyes flew to Nam-ra who's sitting on my left, she's using her arm as a pillow while Jihyun sat on my other side but on the floor, she's leaning on the cabinet with both of her arms crossed on top of her chest. I could hear her faint snores.

My eyes then scan the room to see where the others are, Jimin is sleeping behind Nam-ra, the pink vest girl and On-jo on the same table to us. Dae-su, Joon-yeong, and Wujin are cuddled up in the floor, the two lads using Dae-su as their own personal body pillow. Su-hyeok is on the floor too, he has his blazer covering his upper body like a blanket. Cheong-san---Cheong-san is awake but he's staring on the window.

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