#29 concupiscent

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'sex is a form of stress relief.'

•:*✿.': ✿.︎-*✿.;.✿': ✿.︎-*✿.:•


chan was stressed. just by the expectancy of jisung's statement, the obvious began reasoning out to chan's vague actions.

the brunette was heading off to visit him too, since the blonde had finally regained his presence in the newly renovated sex therapy building. nothing much had changed, except addition of two new rooms which he supposed hyunjin and jisung would occupy.

other than that, felix was mostly worried about jisung's statement spiraling through his head, making him dizzy in concern. since chan had a lot of pent up stress- it ultimately led him to wonder what he could be concerning about? of course he'd respected chan's privacy and his time apprehended to sharing his concerns, but felix just couldn't start the urging feeling to help him. he never stimulated the idea of chan fighting alone, and being closed away with this thoughts and emotions- but chan was exactly that type of person. he was reserved and quiet, hard to read and closed off. because that's the type of energy he radiated. felix could tell he had a lot in mind- and slowly began to unravel the realization that chan did seem stressed from the past few days, but his only question was; what was stressing chan out so much?

when a flock of birds swarmed their wings away, battering their feathers to fly away, snapped felix away from his brief thoughts; he sighed again. he should really look where he is going.

but then again, if chan was so stressed, maybe he needed a forum for its relief.

'what's something that helps to relieve stress?'

felix instantly bit down on his bottom lip out of embarrassment, his cheeks blooming scarlet as he tried to brush away the thought. why would chan want to do it with him?

maybe a stress reliever didn't require to have sex as the specific method. maybe, he could just pleasure the blonde just like he always did- but, felix began rethinking, did chan ever get pleasured? guilt washed over him like a puddling pool of remorse. chan was usually the one to make him pleasured, and felix also noticed that for this reason, chan always touched himself, while making him do the same. so in a way- chan did have masturbation as his stress buster, but felix felt as if it wasn't enough.

he knew chan was usually the one in charge and guided him on, just like the deal he supposedly agreed to, but felix was still not used to the feeling of guilt. for some reason, he wanted to pleasure chan too- especially after realizing that never had he opted to make that decision before.

and now chan was stressed, so maybe this would be a better opportunity to get him to agree.

felix used to watch gay porn from time to time, also doing his internet research's every now and then- and honestly, he would be ready to finally take those words into action.

he didn't want chan to fight alone, and now that he had an idea of realization setting a form of incitement, he hoped he could even relieve chan from an average percentage.

perhaps he didn't have an idea on what led to his stress- but he was bound to relieve it. just like how chan pleasured him, he too wanted chan to feel the mutual.

•:*✿.': ✿.︎-*✿.;.✿': ✿.︎-*✿.:•

"what do you want jeongin?"

chan breathed out a huff, rolling his eyes to see the red head following him inside his office.

jeongin ignored the question brought into inquiry, his eyes bulging to soak in the unfamiliar atmosphere. he cooed at the spaciousness, expectancy rising when he realized the similarities in chan's office- much to his own personality and physique.

sex therapy || chanlixTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon