#28 colloquy

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'you're engraved like a tattoo in my mind.'

•:*✿.': ✿.︎-*✿.;.✿': ✿.︎-*✿.:•

rain splotched against casement panes, the drenching water bespattering the delicate glass to create a pandemonium perplexity. thunderbolts pounding after these irregular driblets of the liquid, creating a series of unnerving specters of clouds- all of shades pallid.

much like the murky, caliginous weather, seoul-hee's heart teemed down to the same level. her steps were scuttle as her boots crusaded through the rainfall, splashing every puddle through her route.

her clothes remained soused, only coming to her realization after she seeks shelter at her destination in front of her doorstep. the sensation of the drizzling monsoon fading away as she hurried to knock on the door.

begging for the door to answer, her eyes shot wide when they finally managed to click the lock open, only for her to barge in with urgency, already having shivers from the boisterous weather she'd faced.

the warmth of feeling home welcomed her, as she slid down the door in relief, not minding that she was yet, still, submersed in wetness.

her bags slid off her shoulder as well, the feeling of tiredness intoxicating her bones after the day she spent working- only to find no sources of taxi, resulting through a hell of an adventure through the thunderstorms.

however, the feeling of relief only physically mitigated her, despite the heaviness bloating with emotions mentally.

she felt drained.

"seoul-hee! are you okay!?"

only now coming to realize of another presence, she sighed, wondering how much she'd need to drain for the number of questions that were going to be targeted towards her.

unlike her assumptions, a warm towel enwrapped her shoulders, not before it slithered out her completely drenched coat.

"why are you home this late? and why didn't you take a taxi, you're risking your health here."

at that mention, she sneezed conveniently in time, as if her words affected the state she was in. sighing, racheal dighted her as much as she could, using the towel she'd brought for her.

considering that the cold tiles of the flooring would worsen her condition, the blonde threw seoul-hee's arm across her shoulder, using herself as a support to maintain balance as they arose with discretion.

"there weren't any taxi's near me, lee.."

racheal pressed her lips together, firm, "you could've called me at least, i could've picked you up."

"i had no service because of the weather.."

huffing, the blonde anticipated that it wasn't the right time to argue on the brunettes choices, knowing the fatal condition she was in.

she handled the brunette with delicacy, laying her down on her couch before scurrying from room to room, collecting things which could better seoul-hee's health before it was too late to catch a cold.

she was quick, helping seoul-hee change from the drenched office clothing which she'd spent hours ironing for it to be perfect. she slid off her boots, pitying at how red her feet were dented from running around in heels, and lastly she blow dried her hair, covering her in mountains of blankets.

finally feeling the icicles growing on the joints of her bones unfreeze and melt, seoul-hee snuggled more into the softness of the blankets while the blonde sat examining her from across the couch.

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