#1 Genophobia

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fear of sexual intercourse.

•:*✿.': ✿.︎-*✿.;.✿': ✿.︎-*✿.:•

'mm~ f-faster daddy..~'

felix cleared his throat that was unreasonably dry. with shaky movements, he gulped a few sips of the beverage that he clutched in his hand. that wasn't of great help since his throat somehow felt even drier than before.

perhaps it was reasoned out due to the explicit scene unfolding on the screen in front of him. but that didn't quite intimidate him, he used to watch such scenes without having a fuzzy feeling of anxiety ignite inside him many times. but the fact that his girlfriend was seated just beside him, with their shoulders barely touching, he felt every nerve in his body pricking his motions.

he was nervous. and could feel the tension through the thin air. however, his breathing became unsteady when the scene changed itself to reveal a girl undressing herself from her night gown.

he felt the need to look away, but he knew if he whipped his head around, he'd be forced to meet his girlfriend's gaze- and that was something he feared. not because she made him feel uncomfortable or scared, but right now, he felt uneasy to have the guts to turn towards his girlfriend because of how awkward the atmosphere would become.

the tension was becoming unbearable, he quietly sealed his eyes shut whenever he felt the need to. he didn't mind seeing someone naked on the screen, but for the sake of his girlfriend, and for the uncomfortable nature of him seeing someone completely naked, he kept his eyes closed. occasionally, he would flutter through his eyelashes and take a peak of whatever happened, but he would regret it almost every time because of how quick his breathing rate increased.

his forehead was tense and barely had sweat crawling down. his body was dead still and didn't have any sudden movements except for the foot he was tapping on the wooden floor. it felt like an instinct or a habit out of fear he developed- having one or the other part of his body move in rapid motions while the rest of him was stiller than the air surrounding him.

'daddy! choke me!'

while clawing down at the edge of his couch, he held his breath and sealed his eyes tighter when an uninvited bulge formed inside his pants. luckily, there had been a blanket thrown over his torso and he just prayed that it wasn't visible. he could've done a self check on himself, but he refused to open his eyes.

'ahh~ you're s-so tight princess..'

only his ears were in tune of his surroundings and he could hear the sounds of low grunts from a man or a high pitched voice from a female. they were both grunting, mumbling dirty things to each other, as the skin slapping and bed creaking still was faintly noticeable.

just as his consciousness was getting tuned out, he felt a pressure being applied right on top of the dent in his pants.

he gasped, and widened his eyes in a state of shock, whipping his head around to find his girlfriend closing the gap between their bodies. and even though the room was dark, except for the illuminated light from the tv screen, felix could still make out her bulging eyes of desperation that stared down at him without blinking even once.

he panicked even more and started backing away but it seemed as though his body restricted him from moving away the girl's touch. he felt the need to stop in his current position and stare back at her through his trembling pupils.

"felix.." she called out, her voice being softened due to their closeness. "you look handsome today.."

felix didn't know how to respond to her compliment and stayed silent, a small blush coating around his cheeks instead. it's not that it was his first time to hear a compliment- in fact he'd hear compliments from his girlfriend on a daily basis. she even repeated one of his most favored compliments, 'handsome.'. and though, it would've been considered like any normal phrase, the tension and her eyes of desperation made it mean way more. it was different because right now, it seemed as though she said it in attempt of luring felix into her trance. she wanted felix to look at her the same way she was looking at him right now.

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