Chapter 34: A Dance of Fire and Ice

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Not going to lie: this is a mostly smut chapter. I wrote this today because the next chapter probably won't be out for a bit (life is a mess). But this chapter helps lead into the next one. I'm not super confident in my smut writing abilities but I hope you enjoy. :)

Severus sat in his study, early one summer morning, nose in a book. School had just been let out a few weeks prior and Laura had gone back to America for a week to tie-up loose ends so she could spend the summer with Severus. He absentmindedly stared at a book as he sat in his study, eagerly awaiting Laura's return. The week had dragged by, but Severus knew it was because he was excited to spend the summer holiday with Laura.


Severus perked up slightly, hearing the latch on the front door, followed by the door opening and shutting. "Sev?" Laura called out, moving near the study.

"Hi, darling," Severus said warmly, standing and moving to the door frame, wrapping his arms around her. "I've missed you."

Laura set her bag on the floor, hugging Severus back, burying her face in his chest. "I've missed you, too."

"How was your trip?" Severus asked.

"Boring." Laura didn't move as she spoke. "I just closed the house up and brought a few books and things back."

"How did your aunt feel about you staying with me?" Severus asked curiously.

Laura smiled softly against his chest. "She seemed happy about it. She likes you."

Severus gave a small smile and lightly kissed the top of Laura's head. He gently took her hand in his. "I have something to show you." Laura looked at him curiously as he guided her upstairs to the bedroom.

Laura stepped into the bedroom, noticing a much larger bed than had been there previously. "New bed?"

"Seemed more comfortable than the one I had before," Severus told her. "More room for two people." Severus glanced at the bed. "Try it out. See how it feels."

Laura looked at him curiously before sitting on the bed. "It's a lot more comfortable than the last one."

Severus nodded. "Lie down."

Laura slowly laid down, getting in the middle of the bed. "This is really nice, Sev. This is a really comfortable bed."

Severus gave her a smile before whispering something under his breath, causing Laura to become bound to the bed, arms tied to the bedposts with silk ties. "Severus!" Laura yelled. "What are you doing?"

A wide smirk formed on Severus's face. "I wanted to show you how much I missed you."

"By tying me up?" Laura asked.

Severus's smirk turned into a mischievous smile. "Do you trust me?"

Laura stared at him. "Of course I do."

"I think it would be wise for us to have a safe word," Severus told her.

"Why do we need a safe word?" Laura asked in a panic.

"Well, if you ever become uncomfortable, we'll stop whatever we're doing." Severus sat on the edge of the bed. "So, think of a word."

Laura thought for a moment. "Pterodactyl."

Severus scowled slightly. "Pterodactyl? How on earth did you come up with that?"

"My brain's a weird place," Laura said with a shrug.

"All right... that's the word then," Severus said with a chuckle.

"So, what exactly are you planning to do now that you have me tied up?" Laura asked with curiosity, eyes shifting to her restraints.

A Light in the Dark (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now