Chapter 25 ~ Smile

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Peter's POV

Peter headed to Ned's with his two friends after school. MJ's left arm was in a sling but she held his other hand. "So, we'll meet at the movie theater tomorrow?" Ned questioned and MJ rolled her eyes.

"There's no way I'm not seeing the Maze Runner when it comes out." MJ states, "I read those books when they came out." She grins and Peter's struck silly by the sight.

He nods though, "Yeah. Spencer said he'll come with us. I think he misses having random movie nights." He grins and his friends smile back.

They stop outside Ned's house, "night Ned." He said and his friend disappears up the stairs. They continue on towards MJ's.

"You know, you don't have to walk us home." She murmured gently. Peter shrugged gripping her hand gently.

She swung their hands between them, and he relaxes. "I don't walk to school anymore. I can walk you home." They walk in silence for a few minutes until she stops them.

"It's not your fault. We don't blame you; we'll get past the fear we have from it." She promises and he frowns, "don't. The man was insane, and we could've left if we wanted to. In fact, if we had listened to you, we would've been fine. Out of everyone, you're not to be blamed. I promise Peter, we're okay." She pulls him into a hug, and he melts into it.

"I love you," she murmurs into his ear, and he smiles.

"I love you too," he whispers and presses a kiss to her cheek before backing up. Her face is full of care, and they continue to her house.

She doesn't let his hand go when they come to a stop, "do you want to come up?" He goes red as she pulls him along. Her apartment is empty when they enter, and she pulls him to her bedroom. They flop onto her bed and she turns pulling him into her. His face burns brightly; she's spooning him. Peter just grins and relaxes with her on the bed.

He doesn't remember falling asleep but when he wakes up his head is in her lap and her hand is combing through his hair. She's reading the Fever Code and he grins up at her. "Morning hot stuff," he whispers, and she glances down at him. She raises an eyebrow before smiling.

MJ leans down and presses a kiss to his forehead, "morning princess." She says and he just smiles goofily at her.

"MJ! Time for dinner!" MJ's mom calls and Peter looks over at the clock, 7:38 pm. He sighs and grabs his bag.

She looks saddened but kisses him as he slips out her window. He changes into his suit in the alley and starts his patrol.

Flipping through the air he waves to a few people enjoying the wind blowing past him. He lands onto a lamp post and shifts to sit on it. His feet make shapes in the shadows and he's just happy. It's close to 10 pm and he knows he needs to head back but right now was just peaceful. The past 60 days had been interesting. Moving out of the apartment, Steve driving him to school, Spencer watching him carefully...

Spencer... his dad had pulled back, letting everyone else take up Peter's time. He almost expected Tony to run into his room during nightmares. Yet those were the only moments that it was truly him and his dad. It almost made having the nightmares worth it. He didn't know what happened but suddenly Spencer's put up a wall between them. So, Peter let himself be brought on runs in the morning with Steve and Bucky or Mario Cart tournaments with Clint ad Sam. He let Spencer close himself off, but he made sure he was there for Spencer whenever he needed him.

Ned and MJ were going to the counselor once a week to help with the experience, but Spencer had gotten him out of it. His dad said that Tony would get him a therapist that could know about Spider-Man if he wanted one. However, Peter really didn't want a therapist, he just wanted his dad. He wanted his arms and the love in his gaze. Not this guilt; the guilt that filled Spencer's gaze every time he looks over. A sadness washed over him.

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