Chapter 3 ~ Spider-Man?

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 Peter's POV

         Ned handed Peter his phone when he got there. Something about forgetting about it before patrol. It didn't make complete sense, but he let it slide and held onto his phone with all his energy. Ned talked about their new friend MJ and Peter vaguely remember Michelle Jones. However, he let Ned tell her the news. He wasn't up for it yet; the panic he felt because of his life-changing so drastically made it hard to relax.

It wasn't easy, and every time he started to forget, he'd look at Ned and remember. Everything looked older, Ned, the Leeds, even Spencer looked older. Even his own body betrayed him. He, himself, felt older. It was like he was 14 one minute and 16 the next. It made it hard to relax; he felt like he was in an alternate timeline.

He had so many questions but the pounding in his head kept him quiet. Ned's mom put on a movie for the two of them and helped Peter sit on the couch but he was in too much pain to do much else. He simply focused on his phone, he didn't know the password, but it was nice to have something to cling to. Peter knew that if he asked Ned, the man would tell him the password, but Peter didn't want to admit his lack of knowledge just yet. So, he sat there just holding onto it.

However, after a couple of hours, he got a call. The vibration made his arm ache and he glanced down expecting to see Spencer's name. However, he didn't expect to see him and The Tony Stark, making funny faces at the camera. The name Tony only makes it harder to deny. Ned had gotten up to use the bathroom and Peter was alone to take the call. Bracing himself, he answered. "Hello?" It was quiet and too timid, but it came out all the same.

"Thank god! I just got back from Hong Kong and saw the damage. It says that you were in the area. Are you alright?" That was Tony Stark's voice... he was a big enough fan to recognize it but why was he calling?

Peter cleared his throat and tried to clear his head but found that impossible. "Sorry? Are you sure you have the right number? Spencer never mentioned you."

There's a new wariness over the line, "Pete? Who's Spencer? Is everything alright?"

His name coming from the billionaires' lips made his heart seize and he couldn't control his breathing. It was as if he was a tube man in front of a dealership and his air was constantly changing making him move in every direction. "I-" He couldn't breathe.

Ned walked through the door and stopped at Peter's face. "Peter? Who's on the phone?" He walked over and noticed how he wasn't breathing right. "Breath Peter, everything okay. Just breathe." Peter wanted to say he was trying, but instead, he dropped the phone. He watched Ned glance at the screen and go pale. Everything was so loud and why was everything- "Peter, breathe with me." Ned was holding him, and Peter clung to his friend. It was awkward and painful. However, the pain only seemed to ground him even more. "That's it, I got you."

Peter wondered when Ned learned to do this and decided he didn't want to know as he calmed down. Ned carefully pulled away and picked up Peter's phone. He carefully stood, "I know you're confused. But so is he. I'm going to give him the run down, then it's your turn. I'm just going to be right through that door. Please call out if you need my help." Ned whispered and Peter nodded vaguely. He looked to the TV as Ned stepped outside. 

However, he could still hear Ned from outside the door. "Hey, Mr. Stark... yes he's alright... he's alive, right now we have to be thankful for that... Spencer is his family... no he's a good man... he's hurt, took a big hit... A few broken bones and a case of amnesia. Spencer would know more... No, I think it's better for you to stay there. He's overwhelmed with me, you just heard how he is with just hearing you... no, I'm not sure. I'm just trying to keep him safe. I don't think he's up for all the questions yet. I'm not sure if he's ready to even- questions... of course... No, I don't know... I should go... bye Tony."

As Ned opened the door Peter could see how overwhelmed he was. "I'm sorry, Tony he... he took you in a few years back as an intern. You two are very close." He paused and almost looked conflicted. "Did Spencer tell you about Spider-Man?"

Peter blinked, lost. "Who?"

Ned sat up straighter like he finally knew what to do. "Spider-Man is a hero. He's you after you were bitten by a spider."

He knew that story, only having gone through it a couple of weeks ago. He nodded, "yea. I remember that... but- But Ben died because I tried to be someone I'm not. Why would I- and May-" He's breathing was picking up and Ned grabbed his good hand and held it.

"It's okay, you're okay. I'm here, I'm here." As he relaxed Ned continued.

"When your Uncle passed away, he said something to you, something that started this."

"With great power comes great responsibility," Peter said without thinking. "I took it to heart but... I- what about May?"

Ned finally smiled and something inside of Peter seemed to click. It was as if he was content, "you hid it. For a while but she found out. Gave you a curfew and made a deal that you had to let her patch any wounds. She was scared, we all were. But Tony had taken you under his wing, and you would be safer with him." Ned said and Peter nodded slowly. "You're by far the best hero. We could watch some clips if you'd like. You're on YouTube."

Peter relaxed a little more, "any of them have Iron Man in them?"

"A few," Ned said and grabbed his phone. "We'll start with those."

Whoohoo!!!!! Another one is done! I'm doing the chapters by point of views or time skips so some chapters will be longer than others. I'm just hoping to keep confusion to a minimum.

Love y'all!!!! <3

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