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"Good morning pretty." "Hm?" Jayden opens the curtains. "Come back to bed." "Sweetheart, it is 12 o'clock. Come, let's go take a shower." I look at him confused, trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes. "How is it already noon?" "You were very tired. And so was I, just so you know." "Oh." Still with sleep fog on my brain I step out of bed and go into the shower where Jay is already waiting for me. He turned the bath on and put a bath-bomb in. "Really Jay? A bath-bomb?" "Well I mean I thought it was cute. Look I also made you breakfast." He holds up a plate of French toast with juice next to it. "Damn. Aren't you a sweetheart." "Always for my baby." I walk up and kiss him. He shoves some food inside and it tastes delicious. "Wow. This is great." I say it after I barely swallowed the bite. Jayden already stepped into the bath and I take his hand to join him. I sit down in front of him, my back to his chest. "God. Kyra you're doing things to me I don't want to think about now." "Hm. I could be up to for a round two." I say as I turn around and face him. My hand is going towards his cock. It of course is rock-hard. I move my hand over him in fast up and down movements while also twisting a bit. Soon I add another hand to it. He groans with pleasure and breaths into my neck. He kisses underneath my collarbone. Placing hickeys underneath them while I keep the pace up with my hands. "Oh god. Kyra." I smirk at him as if him saying my name is like telling me I'm doing a good job. My hands go faster now. He throws his head into his back, resting it on the bath. I can feel his body build up underneath my touch and I keep going even faster. "God. Kyra, oh my god." He comes over my hands but it washes away in the water. I kiss him and he pulls me closer to him while he continues to try and catch his breath. "Let's go get those pretty hands to washing herself now." "Hmm." I say it while I was already getting the soap bottle and also putting some of it on Jay's hands.

After the bath we both got dressed and went downstairs. A heatwave is coming and we can already feel the heath coming up. "Hey before the real heath sets in this week, want to go for a walk while we still can?" "Yeah, let's go babe." We put our shoes on and leave the house. "So how do you see our future together Jay?" I ask him out of curiosity, because I know what I want in the future. "I would love to live together, maybe look for a college with both our interests so we can be at the same college later so we could share an apartment. When it comes to the rest, if we are old enough I would love to have kids. Two kids. I don't care about the gender. As long as it's loved, that's what is important to me. Maybe a vacation house around the sea but a normal house on the edge of a city. Or in a town. I don't like to live close to the business of other people." His dark hair is sticking to his forehead from the sweat. Even in this weather he chose his black jeans and some band shirt that of course also happens to be dark. On the other hand, it's not like I'm anything different with my black dress but at least it is a short dress with spaghetti straps. "How about you? How do you see your or our future?" "Honestly, I've always wanted tattoos and blue hair in the future. But looking further than that, I never gave it much thought." I think about my future plans, a dream of mine is to become a famous writer or reporter. But kids, a husband, where I want to live and how. It never accord to me. "I've always had this dream where I wanted to become a famous writer or reporter. Maybe a translator for books or an editor for an important paper." I look into Jay's beautiful brown eyes and suddenly realise those kids and husband might be possible. That I might not only get to write love stories but also live in a love story. "And I want kids. I want epic romance with adventure and even a little danger. I want to live my life to the fullest and would love to be able to all that with you Jayden. Really, you are giving me the romance I've been reading about my entire life and now it isn't fictional anymore." Did I really just said that?! I need to write that down that is like perfection as a love conviction. Wow I really am turning into a romantic. Maybe I should start writing romance novels instead of sad depressing poetry. I kiss him and he kisses me back with so much passion I have not felt before. After a bit he pulls away from the kiss. "Kyr, we need to get home we are going to dry out in this heat. We need to get some water and some ice-creams or ice cubes for that matter." I just start to feel the sun on my arms again and find that he is right. "Let's go get out of here." We walk home and grab drinks before we get the house ready for dinner plans with our friends to complete the road-trip plans.

"So the house we're going to stay at for a week is booked, we checked multiple hotels, campsites and we're leaving in a week?" "Yes, my dad comes back at the 20th. We're driving for about 6 hours a day so we can refresh and won't be all car tired when we arrive. It will take about a week to get there right Lou?" "Yup! I checked it multiple times and a week seems about right." We're all huddled over a map where lines are made with red and the goals per day are circled. "So, who is going to stay with who?" "I'm with Maya!" Lou shouts it loudly. "Of course we will share a room won't we Jay?" "Well, I have to think about that one." We start laughing and he whispers into my ear. "Of course you and I will share a room. How else will we be able to turn my thoughts into reality with you sitting in front of my legs on the floor." My eyes get big but I quickly hide them and we continue to discuss things like food and what everyone will bring to the trip. "I'm going to get more beers from the kitchen, anyone want snacks?" "Crisps would be cool!" "Sure thing. Jay could you help me out for a bit?" "Sure thing." We go into the kitchen while they continue discussing stuff. "Why the fuck did you say that? Infront of them? Really Jay?!" "Hey don't tell me you didn't like it." "frankly I did but we're with people." "We could make it even more fun." He smirks. "No Jay! Not with them in the living room of my dad!" "That wasn't such a big deal this morning or yesterday now was it!" "Jayden. Not with people around because then all I can think about is you." "Good because you've been on my mind since the first day we met." His hands slip over to my ass. "And that has been on my mind as well." "Well, you can hold it all night when they're home again." He slaps my ass before removing his hand and grabbing the crips to pour onto a plate. I hold the beers and walk behind Jay back into the living room where everything is noted down and Maya is handing out notes out to everyone, I assume they are lists of what everyone needs to bring onto vacation. Lou fills us in on the rest of the plans which basically is a summary of everything we already discussed. Jayden puts the first lord of the rings movie on and we turn it into a movie night. When it's one o'clock and the movie is done everyone leaves to go home or wherever they're spending the night. "Let's clean up tomorrow I'm exhausted babe." "Same." I walk up the stairs and put on one of Jay's shirts and get into bed. I don't even notice Jay coming into the bed as well as I was already gone.

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