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The class already started when I finally came in. Of course I overslept again. "How nice of you to finally join us miss Banks." Mr Olivers looks at me. "I overslept." Voices in the back start laughing. "Maybe you shouldn't stay up all night getting stoned." Mason Green shouts. "Shut your beak. It's not my problem you only know how to kiss your folks asses." An ooh goes through the class. "Silence! Miss Banks you know we don't use that kind of language here. Now sit down and get your books out." I roll my eyes and sit down in my spot next to the window. A wonderful place to daydream without anyone noticing. "So as I was saying. Exams are in three weeks. I'm going to need the papers delivered to me before Friday 4 pm. If you don't have it by then you won't be able to do the exam and for some of you that means that you're going to have to repeat the year." He looks at me. I haven't been doing the greatest in school. Especially in English I've been slipping. But what do I care, I can already speak, read and write the language perfectly. "What kind of exam is it going to be?" "Reading and writing." Boring. With a marker I write it on the table and my brain drifts off.

The woods are around me with a small road and the train rails are behind a gate. I climb over the gate and step on the rails. I'm on the train rails. In the dark with only the moon to give me a bit of light. My hands touch the metal, cold and hard and I lay down. Finally it's going to be over. I cannot do it anymore, ready to say goodbye. The lights are coming this way. Louder and louder as the train comes closer. I close my eyes and take a deep breath and I guess the train is just a couple feet away. Closer and then, the train never touches me.

"Miss Banks! What was I just saying?" "I don't know. If your brain is that bad at memorizing maybe you should see doctor." "This is your last warning. If this happens one more time you can go to the principal." "Yeah but that's the thing you see, I don't want to." "That is not my problem miss so, off you go." I keep seated and just stare at him. "Perhaps you didn't hear me, go to the principal's office." "Perhaps you did not understand me, I don't want to." I give him a bitchy smile. "So what are you going to do about it?" "Your counsellor will be informed and this won't be the first time that happened." "Like I give a damn!" I grab my bag and stand up. He follows me but I go outside the class after I slammed the door in his face. I don't want to skip the entire day since we still have exams soon. Believe it or not I'd rather go to my junior year than have to be stuck in sophomore year. Maybe I could finally get a new English teacher that doesn't give such boring classes and I could actually learn from. This is just plain and easy like middle school English. As someone who maybe wants to go into journalism this sucks. I kick against a wall and go upstairs to the school library. My favourite place to be, it is peaceful and quiet. Everything my brain is not but still, I love it. And besides where else am I going to be until history class. It is currently the only class I care about, and that says a lot considering the fact most people find it ridiculously boring. Mr Smith isn't the most interesting teacher but he still manages to keep me focused, besides he has a great interest in world wars which also happen to be my favourite part of history. "Miss Banks, shouldn't you be in your class?" My oldest cousin who runs the school library stands in front of me. He majored in English two years ago and is an author but works here for the money. "Oh hello there, am I disturbing you sir?" I stick my tongue out. "No but seriously Kyra. What are you doing here?" "Mr. Olivers doesn't like me very much so he wanted to send me to the principal. Came here instead." "You want to go into journalism you really should follow your English classes." "Eh I don't want to. They are boring as hell. Please don't tell mom." "Kyra, I love you but you need to get help." "George, not this again. I go to counselling, I'm fine." "Kyra Thamar Banks. You need serious help" "I am fine George. Leave me alone and let me write." "No, because believe it or not I can tell you are suffering and are in need of serious help" "What the fuck do you think you're talking about?" "I think you're destroying yourself because you refuse help." "Fuck off and leave me alone." He sighs and walks away his head shaking. As if I already not know I'm the family disappointment.

I show my face again in history class. Mr. Smith is talking about the industrial revolution. Not that interesting but apparently important for the times we live in now. Without it we'd probably still be doing the wash with our hands. And it was important for how the face of war changed, which strikes my interest again. He puts on a video of someone talking about how the first wash machine was made. I open my phone to check the rest of the schedule for today, physics, biology and Spanish. Not too bad but not the greatest. Anything is better than English. No, I don't mean that. Anything is better than Mr. Olivers, English itself is fine and so is the rest of the school day. Finally after a Spanish class in which we just watched a movie we're free to go. It's been a long day, time for fun.

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