Chapter XI

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Published: February 1st, 2022.

Last Modified: November 29th, 2022.


We stopped in an equipment store to get our body armour. We all wanted to look clean and orderly and also had a stronger chance of not dying. Ludwig said to me, "see you by," and he smirked. "I'll be here in the large clothing isle whenever you need me." He said as I walked through the highschooler gear isle, i scanned through all the racks for the proper ones, like a 10/10 defence rating.

I wandered around in circles all around the rack since there were none that fit my aesthetic, and I hoped to find one which would make me appear fucking badass. "Hey, I'm curious if you'd enjoy this one." Roy seemed to have a suggestion. I looked closely at the armour, and it's actually sexier than the rest of the gear I've seen on this isle. Nothing quite like a sharp suit of heavy armour.

"You're very kind, Shee Roy!"" I smirked as I inspected the armour, examining the rear and front of the chestplate. "I hope that provides a sense of your aesthetic y/n," roy stated. "It's brilliant, dude!" I stated. I put on the armour, and it feels fantastic. The armour is bronze plate armour, which is simple yet outstanding than the others. And essentially protects me. Roy headed to the feminine isle since he has a pink style.

Thanks to Roy, I eventually went to the checkout , I notice Ludwig dashing while hiding within his shell. Because of the crime he committed in the weapon shop. He jumped out of his shell as he was headed in my approach. "Hiya, y/n!" he exclaimed. "Oh, hello, Ludwig!" I said. Lemmy touched Ludwig's shoulder after expecting for him to notice him. "No fair," Lemmy said clearly, "you won the race." I was perplexed and stared at him. "Oh, and by the way y/n, me and Lemmy wanted to see who could get to the checkout counter the fastest." Nod from Lemmy

"That's fine... but you guys already decided on your armour? because I can never seem to find the perfect ones until Roy appeared." I stated. "It was easy," Lemmy remarked. Ludwig chuckled as a result of Lemmy's remark. Then I walked outside and sat on a brown seat with Ludwig and Lemmy after buying the armour. "Do you think it'll be acceptable if we go to McKoopa's now while they're not finished choosing?" Lemmy was asking. "I don't think so, since it'll only take them 3 to 5 minutes to join us outside and arrive to my parents locatio-" ludwig cut me off. ludwig said, "Hell yeah, let's go!"

"Sure, my stomach rumbles all the time, maybe because I'm hungry, or maybe because after eating my parents cooking," I stated. We left a note at the Koopa clown car stating that we would be in McKoopa's for a little while. While going along the sidewalk, we all clasp hands. And there was a McKoopa's nearby.

We were running till Ludwig had to stop because his legs were fatigued, but Lemmy was still bursting with enthusiasm. "What's the matter, Ludwig?" I inquired. He said, "My legs are really exhausted." "Have some water," Lemmy remarked, a smirk on his face. He pulled the water bottle out of his bag and handed it to Ludwig. We waited while he gulped the bottle of water quickly.

We all continued walking again when ludwig emptied the bottle and placed it back in his bag, zipping it closed. ludwig put it on his back, as lemmy shot selfies of himself deadass walking because he's so silly, what's up with that? Ludwig has forgotten his wallet in the car, which I notice. "Did you guys by any chance snatched my wallet?" he inquired, perplexed. "Why would I do something like that?" I questioned. "I recognise where, it's at that koopa clown car!" Lemmy replied, looking at both of us. "Dang man," ludwig grumbled. I responded, "I'll pay." His gaze was drawn to mine. "Lovely y/n!"

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