Chapter I

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Published: January 15th, 2022.

Last Modified: November 29th, 2022.


Narrator Perspective:

There once was a teenager, named [Y/N], and they were badly despised by their parents.

it was a Saturday morning, it was 7:00 am and y/n never fell asleep yet. because he has insomnia

a couple of minutes later his parents shouted at them because of their little brother that fell out from riding his huge plastic horse, "Wait what!? What are you talking about?? I swear I didn't push him!!" y/n exclaimed with pure honesty. but their parents replied with, "Just say the truth and I won't hurt you!" "I wasn't lying.." y/n whimpered.

y/n's pov:

I was on my bed doing nothing when I heard a big thump at 7 of the morning, but my morning schedule was 8 am.

My little brother ran into my mom's room with a fake bandage and started accusing me of something that I've never did before.

And then, I heard aggressive stomping echoing across the rooms and it got louder and louder each time, and when they approached me, they kicked the door open. My eyes shifted to my parent"s scowls. 

My parents assumed that I wasn't informing the truth when I say that I didn't pushed my fucking brother out of his shit ass horse, funny how those two twerps keep choosing my siblings side and said things that I've never done, I was too innocent from getting bullied here way too often, and my parents always believed they were right, even without proof!? 

Cowards.. they should be aware of the fact that I was always on my mattress speaking with myself and doing the least as I could, but those little shits always get me in irrational trouble... FOR NO REASON ! 

Seconds after confronting me about that stuff, they dragged me downstairs to breakfast, everyone is eating pancakes with syrup and I was the only one forced to eat pancakes without syrup. 

They had the audacity to make fun of my uncontrollable insomnia as a topic to make things even more great, I ate while looking at my plate because eye contacting my family won't be cool.

but thankfully the actual first good thing which I'm not being sarcastic about is that I was the first one to finish my breakfast and went back upstairs after brushing my teeth., thank god it was over.

I locked the bathroom doorknob and interacted with my iPhone 8. because my bedroom has no door knob that locks and they could've annoyed me at any time they want if I was in my bedroom.

complaining about why I was on my bed most of the time

man, I was so tired and sleepy.


I woke up at 11:00 am to find out that I was home alone. So I guess the rest of my family went out to some place that I assume is the water park, leaving me out here. I found out about this because suddenly I saw my siblings bragging about it on discord dms, But this isn't so bad like what they expect, because I have a friend of mines which I want to talk to, and possibly play video games with one another.

Y/N and the Koopalings!Where stories live. Discover now