Chapter VII

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Published: January 18th, 2022. 

Last Modified: November 29th, 2022.


y/ns pov:

i felt so comfy, and so good. i was so fricking tired all of a sudden, closed my eyes,, and got set off to dreamworld instantly..

but I have a small, small problem.. my dream felt so so long.. I feel like i was trapped, and scared. did i took enough?

i took 3 pills.. my dad never told me how much I should have.

Ludwig's pov:

i ate king boo's hot and spicy mac and cheese, y/n was the first one to get off the table, and rushed to sleep. "excuse me for a second, lemme go to the bathrooms" i said, while lying.

i peeked a little bit out of the bathrooms.. and our bedroom was on the right, while the bathroom was on the left, which is nearby.

i saw y/n taking three pills, wondered if that was safe. walked out like if I was done flushing the toilet.. and back to the dinner table i go, i felt soo UNSURE about saying that if 3 pills were fine.. told my dad lord bowser about how many pills you should take.

"oh, if you had insomnia like what y/n had, the maximum you need.. is 2"

i widened my eyes. "what" my dad said. i said "I-" and king boo just cut my words off. "how much would you rate of 1 to 10 of this fine mac and cheese" i said 10/10. but yk I lied, it was a 8/10.. it was really good, but its literal pasta.

my dad forgot what he said, i was in relief.. but about the pills, I was not relief, i was scared what would happen to my new sibling y/n.. would they die, would they be fine.. or would they go to sleep forever?.. questioned on my thoughts.

i went to sleep too, i wanted to sleep next to y/n, so I did.. if they wanted to vent.. or something, idk..

roy quietly opened our door, and looked at me "ew dude that's a bit gay"

"bruh you dumbass, get out of here now." he groaned saying "okay, bye" *rolling his eyes" setting foot off the room. "get out rn faster or I'm pinching you" i said. "omg okay, calm down fuck ass, i ship both of y'all now." i shot him a confused look, raising my eyebrow. he closed the door, and I finally fell asleep and closed my eyes.

the following next morning, the first thing I see is iggy and morton were awake.. the sun was shining through the blinds.

10 minutes later, everyone was awake aside from y/n.. they were all waiting for y/n to wake up, so they could make a breakfast buffet. they gave up on waiting for y/n.. my dad was concerned. because usually y/n wakes up at this time.. than they made breakfast, telling me to wake y/n up, i said "okay dad".

*going to the bedroom where y/n is sleeping in* "wake up y/n, you don't wanna miss breakfast!" i shouted, they didn't once groaned, or opened their eyes a bit..

i never wanted to do plan B, but here we are.. plan b is jumping on his stomach.. so I jumped on them and shouted them to wake up.. than i gave up. my dad looked at me saying if y/ns awake or not.

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