Chapter X

174 4 0

Published: January 26th, 2022.

Last Modified: November 29th, 2022.


come on guys, someone has to get back on their feet. Morton shakes his head vigorously. "nuh-uh, not me. I've done enough with y/n" said Morton. "are you guys crybabies?" wendy said while scrolling through her phone. all of us looked at each other then everyone looked at wendy

"how about YOU get him wendy?" I said. "it's gotta be someone's responsibility." Ludwig said. "I haven't seen Larry doing anything" wendy snarled. "I think we should all vote Larry to get iggy." said wendy. "how ABOUT we all go TOGETHER like a TEAM?" I said.

"You make a good argument, y/n." Ludwig did a thumbs up. "we gotta hurry up before my parents haul Iggy's body somewhere." I said

junior pressed a button to launch everyone out of the Koopa clown car. What an devilish youngster. Roy's shades slid off his eyes as he slumped to the floor.. he tried to reach his shades but it was a bit further.. so he crawled a little and tried to reach it. he wants to hide from people from seeing his eyes, he reached it and puts his shades back on while shaking.

"Are you all OK, buddy?" I stated. I held his hand into mine and helped him to his feet.

Junior whimpers every time he remembers our father, Bowser. Morton massaged Bowser Junior's hair with his hand. I inquired, "Where the fucking hell are my ex-parents?"

"well they're probably somewhere in the hospital, we have to be aware of that, toxic bitch asses." said Roy. That made me chuckle out loud. roy lifting an eyebrow "I accidently shout with laughter when you start calling them names." I said. "Oh, laugh out loud." Roy said.

we walked to the hospital, all of us were pretty quiet.. we did quiet steps.. tiptoeing to where iggy is. I spotted my parents speaking nearby. "Is there really any koopalings around here to be found?" my parents said. and they had a filthy weapon in their pockets, so we all hastened to rescue him before it was too late.

When I saw Iggy, he seemed to be in a better mood. "Look, fellas," Iggy Muffling stated, "the nice Koopa lady with silver frizzy hair awarded me a star since I was such a nice patient." "Wonderful, but we need to get you out of here before my parents find you and abduct you, then instruct me to do crazy nonsense so I can get you back." I stated. "Wow, you really know them," Ludwig remarked. "Of course!" I responded.

I moved across the passage silently, keeping my arms around the wheelchair with Iggy in it. "Will he come back?" In the hospital entrance, I noticed a television. It was King Bowser's death that was in the news.

Behind me, all the koopalings are acting fucking rad, looking immaculate, and flicking their hair. and such such nonsense. They're making it appear as though I'm valuable.

rushed through the parking lot, "All right, junior, we're back," Ludwig remarked. I pushed the wheelchair to the Koopa clown car after letting go of it.

In exhilaration, we took off into the sky. "Do you have all of our stuff?" I inquired. What else could you possible want outside the broom, our wands, and defence?" junior mentioned. "Weapons?" Ludwig Inquired. "Okay, you smart ass, not right now, but we'll go shopping later" junior said

"Oh, how sweet!" I chuckled. We're flying a flight to the weaponry stores. In the process of arriving, We flew across Maverick. I waved, and he waved back with a chuckle and a smile. Ludwig exclaimed, "Who are you waving to?" "An old friend of mine!" I said

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