Chapter 39 - Time passes too fast (Last Chapter)

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So much time has passed since I first met Cahir and fell in love with the man behind the black armor and the winged helmet. I loved to think about everything that led to this moment and came to the conclusion that I never wanted anything to turn out different.

Of course it weren't always just good times, I lost people that became important to me on the way, half of my family never wanted to see me again and the fear of losing Cahir when he had to fight in battles was horrible. But I also made friends, people who loved me as much as I loved them and I started my own family together with the best husband anybody could ever imagine. I got to know his family, especially his siblings who immediately included me as a part of the family as soon as we first met.

I liked to think about the time in which I was afraid of what would happen, not knowing that the knight I've never wanted to become too close to would eventually be the man I would marry. The time when I started to see who he really was and when we slowly got closer to one another.

I would always remember the panic when the Nilfgaardians attacked our village, when they killed my neighbours and when I first saw Cahir, shooting arrows from a distant hill. I used to question everything, just like I was always taught so I also questioned why he would possibly want to set me free to live with him, sleep in the same bed and be around him all the time. He told me that they were in need of healers and that this was the only reason. When I thought about it later, I laughed at the thought as I now knew the real reason why he ordered this.

I could still think about the time when his leg got cut open because he wasn't thinking straight and how I had to take care of him. I sterilized his wound with alcohol which made him grunt in pain but I didn't know any better. I was so nervous when I slightly lifted his leg to wrap it up and when I touched it, quite high up on his thigh. Then I took off his armor for him, calling him handsome as he then called me beautiful. I recalled the feeling of my heart beating so quickly that I though it would explode in my chest, just like it did when I first saw him without any piece of clothing on the upper half of his body.

We got closer and closer to one another, taking care of Alice when I first noticed how good Cahir actually was with children, to the point where he danced with me at the ball with the excuse that he just wanted to get away from all the people he was forced to talk to for his reputation. Later, he told me that he was, again, lying that day and that he only wanted to be close to me. He was so gentle that night and this was the beginning of a wonderful relationship.

We went through everything together, the stress, tension, grieve but also joy, hopefulness and happiness. We got married, the way he asked me to become his wife was so smooth and sweet and then we went on our honeymoon where we traveled to explore the continent. I met my family again and even though my father made it clear that he never wanted to see me again, it was an important experience. We took our sister with us and luckily she got along with Cahir and Alice very well.

And then I was also pregnant with Aldred and it was the best thing that could have ever happened to us. The baby brought so much joy in our lives and we could have never imagined our lifes without him.

But time went by so fast. Too fast. He learned how to walk, he ran around everywhere and he broke so many fragile things when he was tall enough to reach for them because he was standing up. Cahir never cared though, he always laughed when we heard something shatter, quickly cleaning up the shards though so that nobody would get hurt. Then Aldred began speaking, telling us the most ridiculous stories that were just too cute to listen to. He always had the gift of imagination and it was absolutely wholesome to hear him talk.

Alice got better and better at fighting with her sword, she loved to be around Cahir and I loved that they were having fun. I wasn't fond of the idea that she would get a real sword but when she kept talking about how she wanted to become a knight once she got older, I knew that we did the right thing. And if she would ever change her plans than we would be happy as well, as long as it was what she wanted. Cahir was so proud of her when she was jumping around and asking when she would be old enough and when we would give her her own first armor.

And now I'm standing here, waiting for my husband to return home and looking out of the window to see Alice playing with her friends and having so much fun. Aldred is running around inside and I constantly have to remind him to be careful. And for now I can only imagine the reaction of Cahir when I tell him that soon there will be another child of our combined bloodlines toddling around in our lovely house in Vicovaro. 

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