Chapter 2 - The new healer

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I didn't know if this was a joke or anything but I didn't trust the man at all. He looked different than the other soldiers but that didn't mean that he couldn't make fun of me for believing this, which I did in no way. So I just sat there and gave him a questioning look. And he didn't explain anything but instead just looked at me, being completely quiet. There was this weird silence between us and I probably should have spoken up at this moment and ask what the hell this was about. But I stayed quiet and so did the man for some more time. But then, he suddenly broke the silence. „I said you're free. That means you can go." I didn't really know what to say in this moment, the only thing that came out of my mouth was a small „What?"„I came here to bring you outside. Then you can go back to your home." the man explained. „If you don't remember.... your people burned my house down. Killed my friends and captured my family. I have nowhere to go. You might as well let me die down here." „But I don't want you to die in this cell. And that's the problem. Listen, if you have nowhere to go, then you could stay here. We'll find something that you can do. We always need healers and I think you could do that." A healer? Me? Something must have hitten the man hard in the head at the battlefield. Nothing made sense to me at this moment and I still wasn't able to answer.

„Get up now." the man ordered but I didn't do what he told me. „Get up now.", the man repeated himself. I just looked up at him and asked: „Why do you want to free me so badly?" This question must have caught him by surprise because he had to think about his answer for a while before simply saying „Because we need a new healer."I wasn't satisfied with that answer but figured that if he really needed me to become a healer, I might as well demand something in return.

„I will come with you", I started and the man looked content. „when you free my family as well and give them some money to start over somewhere. You can tell them that I'm fine and that they shouldn't worry about me."

He thought about it for a moment and looked at me, probably to make sure that I was serious. After a while, he sighed and said: „Fine. We'll free your family and now get up and come with me." While I slowly stood up, I asked the man where we were going but he didn't answer. Instead he asked another question: „When was the last time you ate something? Or took a bath?" Just like him, I didn't answer the question. „Do you want me to handcuff you or will you just come with me without running? You know, we have people everywhere so you wouldn't come far anyways.", he told me as I stood next to him. I thought about running away and finding my family for a moment, but then again, where should I go? Also, I was still curious what this was all about, so I decided to say: "I won't run."

The man still firmly gripped my arm and walked with me out of the cell and to another room in this huge fort. We didn't talk much while we walked, but I had to ask him one question, because sooner or later, he would have to tell me anyways.

„What's your name?"


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