Chapter 24 - Celebrations

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We were already celebrating but one special person was still missing. We had managed to surprise Cecilia and her husband with the ball that we organized but they also seemed so happy and touched by that. Everything was going rather well, we all were having lots of fun and that was when Jaskier finally arrived. My sister immediately noticed him and walked over to me and Cahir, just like he did as well when he saw us.

"Well, well... you've become quite... " Jaskier paused to find the right word. "Round." Then he turned to Cahir. "Well done, really." I saw Lucie not being able to hide her excitement so I immediately introduced her. "This is my sister, Lucie. And Lucie... I think you know Jaskier." I grinned and she blushed, Jaskier looking flattered. But they quickly started talking and Cahir and I knew that it was now time to let them speak alone and since my back was hurting from standing, we sat down and ate something. They were sitting in a corner, Cahir was constantly looking at them and I didn't know if he was worried or curious, so I asked him.

"Do you think it's a good idea to let them be alone?" So he was in fact worried. I smiled at him, his protecting behaviour warmed my heart. "Why not? They're sitting right over there." "Yes, but... you know, love, she's quite young and he is... eccentric and... well, you know what the bard is like...and I don't know if they should be alone." I tried to tell him that Lucie was just happy that she could meet him and that there would be nothing to worry about and then Jaskier stood up, took his lute and started singing. My sister came over to us and told us everything they were talking about, like his thoughts on our wedding, for example.

"Did you invite him?" She asked me with the brightest grin on her face. "Yes, I did." I smiled. "Then why didn't you tell me?" "Wouldn't have been much of a surprise if I told you, would it?" "I guess you're right. Thank you so much for making him come here." Lucie visibly enjoyed listening to his songs. Each song was telling a small story and the person he most often sang about was called Geralt of Rivia, apparently a witcher.

Cecilia was very fond of Jaskier too and he was fond of Emil, her son. When he didn't sing, he always wanted to admire his cuteness, he was amazed by the fact that two humans could create another tiny human.

Later, when all the small children were already sleeping, Jaskier told us stories about all the women he played nug-a-nug with. Especially the knights, and the drunk ones more than everybody else, enjoyed this stories a lot, laughed and drank even more. Cahir didn't get drunk though, he never did. He liked drinking wine more than anything else but he never drank too much which I was rather thankful for. It's sometimes funny to see those people stumbling around and when they say some weird things but having one of those men as your husband was something I probably didn't want to experience. And I never had to.

Then it was time for Cecilia and her husband to go to bed as well since having a baby was exhausting to say the least. All the drunk knights had gone too so there were only Cahir, me, Lucie, Jaskier and one other knight who was no longer fully conscious left. Alice was sleeping in my arms and we wanted to put her in bed, that was when I remembered about still having to pay Jaskier who was currently talking to my sister again. We approached them and as he saw us, we heard him say "Please try to convince them to name their child after me." "I don't think Jaskier would be a great name for our child.", Cahir said with a cheeky grin. I loved the sassy side ofhim, the side that he almost never showed, not even to me. "And...what was your real name again? Julian Alfred Pankratz Viscount de... what? Anyways, not something anybody would ever want their child to be called." "Lettenhove. And your name sounds awful too. Way too long and not pronounceable at all. Poor you having to grow up with it." We all knew that they didn't actually insult each other so these comments were fine for everybody. But Jaskier seemed to be serious when he wanted us to name his child after him.

"Do that and you won't have to pay me ever again." he said, trying to convince me with that but I only shook my head and laughed before handing him a bag full of coins. "Unacceptable.", I said. "I'm afraid we'd rather pay you." He was looking quite offended by that but in the end, I didn't want to name my child after him and neither did Cahir.

"I think we really should put Alice in bed now.", I said and so we went to our bedroom, Jaskier walking to the room where he slept for the night before leaving in the morning and Lucie had gone to her own bedroom, which was the old one of Lord Albert.

When we arrived, I remembered about a letter on the table that I put there since I didn't have enough time to read it before the ball started. I grabbed it and saw that it was my mother who wrote it, not only because she wrote her name down but I also recognized her handwriting, it was clean and beautiful as always. 

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