Chapter 22 - Leave

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Tears were welling up in my mother's eyes as she saw us and called for my father to come. He immediately showed up at the door and then just stood there in shock. Then, after a while of weird silence, they invited us to come in where I finally saw my siblings again. As soon as my sister noticed me, she stood up and ran towards me to hug me very tightly.

My mother gave us something to drink and so we just sat there and talked. Firstly, I wanted to know how they were doing. My mother tried to explain everything that happened since we've last seen each other and my father constantly commented on the "fucking asshole Nilfgaardians." Cahir just sat there, looking quite uncomfortable. My dad wasn't even paying attention to him but after a while, Cahir had enough of all these insults. "But..." he started. "Didn't you just say that you have a better life now than before? I don't want to defend these Nilfgaardians but..." "And who are you?" My father interrupted him before realizing who he was talking to. "Why the fuck did you bring him here?" He almost yelled at me. "Because, father..." I was actually afraid to say it but Cahir reassuringly squeezed my hand. "Because we're married." I quickly showed him the ring on my finger.

That shocked the hell out of him. He didn't even know how to respond to that, so I quickly continued. "And this little girl here.", I pointed towards Alice who was sitting on Cahir's lap "this is the girl we're taking care of. Her name is Alice." My father exhaled deeply and I knew that he was really angry. "Great news." He said sarcastically. "That isn't all actually." I said and looked at Cahir. "I'm pregnant."

That was when it snapped. "Get out! Now!" my father yelled and I noticed my mother looking at him in shock and trying to calm him down. "No.", he told her. "I don't want to have them in my house." "You know who payed for it, right?" I yelled before quickly leaving with Cahir and Alice. Then I heard my father yelling something in response, but I wasn't able to understand what he was saying.

So then we quickly got on our horses, riding to the next tavern to get a room there because we didn't want to travel to the next village since it had already gotten quite dark. There, the first thing I did was to sit down on the bed and cry. I already imagined that they would be shocked and I knew that my father wouldn't be happy about the news but I never thought that he would just yell at us and say that he never wanted to see us again. Alice seemed frightened too, she clung to Cahir in fear, crying and refusing to let him go. Cahir sat down next to me and soothingly rubbed my back.

"Am I a monster?" I asked him in tears and he immediately shook his head. "Of course not." "But then..." I sniffled. "Why would he be so fucking upset about everything?" "Isn't that clear, love?" Cahir asked in response. "Because of me. I was the one who tore your family apart. And I am so so sorry for that." "But... but they're having a better life now than they've had before. Their own words. And I always thought that they would be happy when they knew that I was happy, which I am, because of you, basically. I love you so so much, Cahir." "I love you too, darling."

Then we heard a knock on our door and Cahir stood up to see who was there. I was kind of shocked when I saw my sister entering but then again, she was always the one person out of my family I never minded seeing.

I stood up as soon as I saw her and hugged her very tightly. "I missed you so much, Lucie." I told her. "I missed you so much too." "You've grown a lot. But... why did you came after us?"

We all sat down on the bed again as she explained her reasons for coming. "Because I couldn't stand our father anymore. And I told him that he was being an asshole to you and he said that this was a pure act of betrayal and that, if I really thought that what he said was wrong, I could go too. Which I did and... I don't want to come back." "So... you want to come with us?" Cahir asked confused to which Lucie nodded. Cahir and I looked at each other but we agreed right away.

Then Cahir said that he wanted to take a bath, handing Alice to me and leaving her, Lucie and me alone. "So... what do you think about him?", I asked Lucie and she smiled slightly. "I don't know much about him yet, but I'd say that he maybe is quite attractive." "Really?" I couldn't believe it. "And what about what he did?" "He doesn't seem to be evil or anything and... as long as you're happy together, who cares?" I hugged her again, relieved that this was her point of view. "And I still can't belive you're married. What was the ceremony like?"

I told her everything, including all the details and that was when I remembered about her liking a certain bard who came through our village when we were younger. "And... you know, we've had someone play songs on his lute too. Someone that you quite like actually." I grinned at her. "Really... did Jaskier attend your wedding? That Jaskier?" She was so excited when I told her that and I felt really sorry that she wasn't there with us, so I wanted to lighten up her mood by something. "You know... when you come with us now and live in the fort where we live, maybe you'll meet him at the next ball or something." As soon as she heard that, Lucie began grinning wider than I've even seen before.

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