Chapter 34 - Exhausting work

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I told Cahir that I now had to talk to Cecilia and that I would be back afterwards. Then I left, I wanted to know every little detail she could tell me. "Well..." She started. "After we talked I went to his room. He opened the door and let me in." Of course I already knew this but Cecilia didn't know that I knew. "And then?" I asked her and she sighed. "We talked, I told him about my problem and he said that it was fine but that I had to move on eventually."

"He didn't force you to do anything, did he?" I was concerned, what she said sounded like Jaskier was only caring about his own amusement and didn't really care about her at all. "No, he didn't. He said that I had to move on but also that it wasn't bad if that time hadn't come yet. He didn't pressure me or anything." I sighed in relief. "So did you...?" She smiled slightly.

"Yes we did. And I have to admit that it felt good. It made me forget about the pain and the grieve for a while. And since I know that he would be gone right after we did that, I was able to feel kind of free and I enjoyed it... like a lot." "I'm honestly happy for you." I told her and hugged her. "Thank you." She said. "But it was actually kinda exhausting. I think I'll have to sleep now."

After our little talk she went to bed and I went back to Cahir. He was standing in the courtyard and being shown new tactics by Alice. "You can try them too." She told him. "They're hard but I think you can do it." "Well, I'm not sure about that, little one." Cahir responded. "You need to practise a lot but you can do it." She tried to reassure him to which he laughed. I stood a little further away, not wanting to interrupt them. But then they noticed me and Cahir asked if I've already seen what Alice could do. "Well, I have actually but I'd be love to see you showing me again." I answered. "Step aside then." Alice told us und shoved us out of the way. Then she started jumping around with her sword again, she did no longer care about us at this point which gave us some time to talk.

"Heavy training today." Cahir told me and sighed. I knew that this meant that his whole body was hurting again "You know, love..." I started, rubbing his back soothingly. "It does have an appeal to see you fighting like that. You know that it's attractive." He smirked. "At least it's worth it. I do know how much you like that. And that's why I want to ask you something." "That is?" "Well, love... I was wondering whether you wanted to regularly help me training."

That caught me off guard but I still agreed. "But why do you want this?""Because I love you and want to spend time with you, especially since you seem to be quite fond of the way I'm dealing with my sword." I nodded. "And also, the recruits seemed to be afraid now that they all got defeated by you." He laughed. "They never imagined that a woman could be throwing them to the ground. You totally proved them wrong. And, may I add, the way you were fighting was attractive to me too."

"Oh, really?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his middle. "Hmm" "Then I guess it surely is time for me to join your ranks." I quickly pecked his lips once but he didn't seem to be satisfied by that. "Won't you give your brave commander a proper kiss?" He asked and I pretended to think about it for a moment. "Well, I guess I owe him one, right?" Cahir nodded so then I gave him a proper kiss which made him look more pleased than before. I felt him smiling against my lips.

"That better?" I asked after I slightly moved away, trying to catch my breath. "Not sure yet." Cahir answered grinning. "You probably need to do it again so that I can form a real opinion." "If you say so, my brave and handsome commander..."

I didn't know what had gotten into him, he was acting way more clingy than usual but I didn't complain. I liked the fact that he never hid his feelings towards me and that he wasn't afraid to show affection in public.

Since it was a rough day for Alice as well as for the both of us, we brought her to bed where she immediately fell asleep. Then I massaged him, I wanted him to relax and enjoy the feeling and see what the evening would bring. We didn't get far though because Alice has woken up again and crawled into our bed, saying that she had a bad nightmare. She lay down between us, cancelling everything we had planned to do. But seeing her cuddling to Cahir was just so cute nontheless.

And that was when Aldred started crying, we all were already drifting off to sleep when we got woken up by that. Cahir couldn't stand up so I took care of him. He didn't want to eat, his nappies weren't dirty and he only stopped crying when I held him. But as soon as I tried putting him back down in his cradle, he started crying again so I figured that it was right to let him sleep in our bed as well.

So we fell asleep - two children and two adults in a bed that was barely big enough for all of us - and again, I got struck by that wonderful realization that we were a happy and loving family.

Change of Heart - A Cahir X Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now