Chapter 13 - Words

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Cahir told me that he neglected his duties lately, and therefore had to ride across the lands to see if everything was still right everywhere. I asked him if this was going to be dangerous in any way, and he just shook his head. So I asked if I could come with him, maybe taking Alice with us as well since she hasn't seen anything of the outside world yet. He had to think about it, not being really sure, but after I begged him and promised him some things in return, he agreed to take us on this little 'trip'.

We had two horses. I needed a while to find out how to manage holding Alice and riding at the same time, but I eventually discovered a strategy that made it possible. It was a really nice day and it got even better every time I noticed Cahir looking at me. Then he always got embarrassed and quickly looked away which made me laugh. „You don't have to look away, love.", I told him and smiled. „I'm sorry, it became a habit. But I can't help it, you always keep distracting me with your beauty." He was so sweet that I couldn't say anything against it. Then I remebered that I still wanted to tell him something.

„Um...I think I have something else to distract you from your duty right now.", I said. „That is?", Cahir asked, looking quite interested in what I had to say. „It's about Cecilia. She and her husband are having a baby." He looked so surprised, his face lighten up immediately. „So we'll have another one of these cute little tiny humans running and jumping around in the fort?" I couldn't believe how genuinely happy he looked. „You're quite excited, right, my love?" „Of course I am.", he answered as we were getting off the horses to give them a break. „You know, children aren't as bad as I always thought they'd be." „Did you here that, Alice? You changed him with your cuteness.", I said. Cahir stretched out his arms, signalizing that he wanted to hold her now. „Of course. How could anybody not want to have these cute little monsters in their home?" He kissed her forehead „So you want to have children too?" „Sure. Not right now, of course, but I could imagine myself being a parent. And I think you'd be a great mother too. Have you ever thought about it?" „Of course I have and I want to be a parent one day too. I want all these experiences that we're having right now with Alice too. I actually feel like a mother already, to be honest. But I mean... I shouldn't feel that, right? I'm not her real mother and I don't want to. I want her to have a happy life but she should always know who her real parents were. I don't want her to call me her mother."

„I know what you mean, darling. But you have the right to feel like a mother now. To feel responsible for her. And, when we think about that, if you're kind of like her mother, that would make me kind of like her father. I like that thought." „Yes, me too. It sounds great when you say it that way. Everything you say does." He smiled widely. „Well then, I guess I should say something else...", he whispered. I looked at him expectantly. „How about a kiss?" „Of course, my brave knight." He smirked, then got closer to me to press our lips together and let them move in sync. The moment was just perfect and I felt like we were being a real family.

The time we spent together felt really good and I could see Alice smiling and being fascinated by everything she saw. Then we came across a village where the best thing ever happened. We were riding along the main road, seeing people with carriages, trading their goods at the market and we also saw some animals. Mostly horses and cows but also mice, dogs and cats. And Alice must have noticed all these animals as well. She was pointing at every animal we saw and then, when we were already riding out of the village, we saw some cats chasing mice and she suddenly said her first word. „Kitty"

My eyes widened and I immediately looked over to Cahir who was just as shocked as I was. „Did you hear that?", I said. Cahir nodded in astonishment and stopped his horse, me doing the same and getting off. „She just said her first word!", I exclaimed. „That's so incredible." I already had tears in my eyes, I was just so proud in that moment. „I'm so glad I took you two with me.", Cahir said and smiled widely, raising Alice in the air. „My girl is growing so fast." „Your girl?", I asked and giggled. „Is that what you call her from now on?" Cahir nodded. „Yes, it is."

We had a great day, but it was quite exhausting which was why Alice fell asleep as soon as we laid her down. We watched her sleep for a while, not talking, just enjoying the moment. Later, we went to bed as well, because we were just as tired. Though, we didn't sleep right away, I promised Cahir something special in return if he took us with him, which he did. After that we lay there cuddling.

„I'm so proud of her.", Cahir whispered. I was truly glad that he got along with her so well. „I know you are, my love. I am too. I still can't believe that she just spoke today." „Me neither.", he answered. „I think we should take her see cats more often now." „Yes, we probably should." „You know, darling, I felt like we were being a real family today.", Cahir said, speaking out exactly what I was thinking all day long and I quietly agreed with him by nuzzling his neck gently and kissing his cheek.

Then we were slowly drifting off to sleep, still cuddling of course, and when he kissed my forehead I heard Cahir mumble a small „I love you".

Change of Heart - A Cahir X Reader storyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora