Chapter 19 - An important day

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"We've known each other for quite some time now and I still can't get enough of seeing you. And I never will. Being with you just makes me feel complete. The way you concentrate on the book you're reading, how you're showing me the stars to calm me down when I can't sleep, the way you care about me like nobody else ever did, all that makes me so happy every day. When I'm around you, I can be myself, not having to hide my feelings because you would never judge me for that. You taught me what love is and because of you, I now know that I want to have children. And I will never get enough of hearing you say my name because every time you do, my heart skips a beat. And waking up next to you every morning is the only thing I want to do for the rest of my life. So I ask you: Will you be my wife?"

I had tears in my eyes. I just couldn't believe what was happening. What he said was just so touching, how could anyone say no to this man who was just so perfect in every way. "Yes, Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach. Of course I will be your wife!"

Cahir quickly stood up to hug me very tightly and then he kissed me with more passion that he ever did before. Alice was walking over to us signalizing that she wanted to be a part of this memory. So Cahir picked her up and ran his hands through her constantly growing hair. Then he kissed me again before we started training for real this time.

In the next days, weeks even, we planned the main aspects of our wedding including who we want to come, what we will wear and so on. It was quite stressful but we managed it somehow. And that was when the big day was finally there.

I was wearing a blue dress made out of silk and satin, Cahir wore an expensive surcoat over his armor. A priest officiated the ceremony, then asked if anyone had any reasons to oppose the merriage and luckily nobody spoke up. And then it was time for us to exchange our vows.

"I, Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach, take thee to be my lawfully wedded wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love an honor you for all the days of my life, until death do us apart."

Then it was my turn to speak and then we exchanges the rings, placing them on our fourth fingers.

"With this hand, I will lift your sorrow. Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine."

After the ceremony, we had a feast with all our guests. Cecilia, you could clearly see her pregnancy now, her husband, Cahir's family, some of the recruits and other knights with their wifes and, of course, Alice. We also had a bard – the famous bard Jaskier, of course –to play on his lute and sing. We had a great feast, everybody was drinking, dancing and just enjoying themselves. We had lots of red wine which led to many drunk knights and the best food you could get. It was great and I couldn't believe that Cahir and I were actually married now.

But there was one thing I tried not to think about and that was my family not being there and not even knowing about anything that has happened since the last time I saw them. Of course, Cahir's family was nice to me, his siblings always jokingly asking me why I agreed to marry him and Cahir looking quite offended by that. Alice walking around and dancing to the music was just the cutest thing ever, but anyways I missed my family on my wedding day and especially my little sister. She would have loved this in any way possible. She would have loved the food, the music and probably she would have loved the presence of Jaskier the most. I had problems with my family, yes, but that didn't mean that I didn't want them to come to my wedding. But I tried not to think too much about it and instead concentrated on all the guests that were there wishing us all the best for the future.

It was in the middle of the night when the guests slowly started going to bed. Cecilia and her husband took Alice, who was already sleeping peacefully, with them when they were going as well, leaving Cahir and me alone on our wedding night.

I had to admit that I was very tired, the day was quite exhausting but we still had to fulfill one tradition, only including Cahir and me. Cahir was exhausted too but after we finished we didn't feel asleep right away but instead talked about the ceremony, his family that I had met for the first time and about everything that came to our minds. But I kept thinking about my parents and my own siblings not being there and that thought made me kind of sad, so I had no other option than to tell my newly wed husband the next morning. 

"I want to visit my family."

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