Chapter 14 - The truth

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We haven't said that before. Of course, we were being together for a little while now, but we haven't said that sentence before. We called each other „love", but we never said „I love you" Cahir was being half asleep when he said it though or maybe he thought that I couldn't hear him, but I did. I wasn't shocked, but I was surprised. Then I had another thought: What if I understood him wrong or what if I only thought he said that? Anyways, I wanted to ask him in the morning.

Then it was time for breakfast, I again wasn't able to eat, so everything went back to normal, something that Cahir didn't quite like. While he was sitting at the table, eating, I always fed Alice but today she wasn't hungry, instead she was crawling around, playing with the toys that Cecilia brought us some days ago, meaning that I had nothing to do apart from watching Cahir eat. I could tell that this didn't make feel uncomfortable or anything, I actually even thought that he quite liked this kind of attention I gave him. Then, I thought that it was the right moment to ask him about if he really said „I love you"

„So, my love", I started and he looked at me expectantly. „I want to talk about something you said... yesterday when we were in bed." „That was?", he asked curiously. „Well, you said that... well, that you love me, basically." His expression changed quickly, he seemed to be nervous. „Oh fuck, you heard that? I thought you were already sleeping." „So... is it true then?", I asked and Cahir stood up, quickly walking over to me. „Yes, it is true." He reached out for my hand, so I stood up and he immediately pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arms around my waist. „I really love you. Like a lot. You taught me what love means and I'm always so happy when I'm around you."

This made my heart melt. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world and looked deeply into his eyes, before saying „I love you too, Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach." Saying his full name wasn't something I was used to do, since it was pretty long and not that easy to pronounce in the first place, but in that moment I knew that I made the absolute right decision to say it, because Cahir had a brighter look on his face than I have ever seen before. One of his hands was gliding over my back as he looked me deep in the eyes before kissing me very passionately.

After our little moment, Cahir was ordered to go talk to somebody, he told me the name but I honestly couldn't remember it anymore. All I knew was that he was a superior which was why it was important for Cahir to talk to him. While he was gone, I was playing with Alice who was now babbling very much, constantly trying to say new words and almost being able to say our names already. Later, Cahir stormed back in, looking more than angry. „What's the matter, my love?", I asked him, of course I've noticed that something was wrong. „I must go to a battle to help our soldiers there." That shocked me, I should have known that this had to come sooner or later, with Cahir still being a knight, but I didn't like the thought of him fighting and maybe getting hurt at all. „For... for how long?" He sighed while starting to put on his armor. „I don't know. But I have to do it." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. „Fuck. When will you have to go?" I was afraid of the answer. „Now. I'm sorry." Tears started running down my face which made Cahir stop putting on his armor and walking towards me instead. „Please don't cry now.", he said as he hugged me tightly. „I really have to go." He went back to doing what he did before as I picked up Alice and just watched him. When he was done, my heart almost stopped beating, I was just too afraid that I would never see him again. „I love you so so, so much.", he said. „Both of you. I'm so happy that you're always there for me." „I love you too, Cahir." He came closer and we put our foreheads together. Then he gave me a long lasting kiss and I felt like time was frozen in that moment. Oh, how I wished that this moment lasted forever. But it had to stop eventually and putting off the inevitable wouldn't have made it easier. „I promise I'm going to come back as soon as possible.", Cahir whispered. „I will always come back to you, my love."

And with that, he walked out of the door.

Change of Heart - A Cahir X Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now