Chapter 16 Jasmine /

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I love you.

Those are the words that Liam whispered to my ear as I pulled him into a hug. It's feels really different being with him. The way he looks at me gets me everytime. The way how he told me how he felt about me was really brave. But I'm afraid of falling in love. Being in love with someone is what I always fear. I get confused when someone tells me how they like me.

"I have to tell him tomorrow." I muttered. I was laying down the bed, thinking about what happened this morning. It was night time and the words that Liam whispered on my ear floated my mind all day. "A secret can't last forever." I said to myself.

I laid awake at night. With a few toss and turns, my body couldn't even sleep. I couldn't sleep that night. My biggest fear was taunting me and I'm scared what I would dream of. I didn't even notice that it was already morning when I looked at the clock. I didn't go to Allan's office. I still couldn't think straight. I also felt like a zombie and my head was very dizzy.

I went to the kitchen to get myself some food from the fridge. I made myself a cup of coffee to keep me awake and since it was calling me. I took out my cream cheese and spread it on my bagel. I took a bite and I immediately relaxed.

My phone buzzed next to me, startling me. I got a little annoyed because it interrupted my breakfast, but I pushed that away to see the message. It was Gwen.

From: Gwen

Are you okay?

I smiled at her concern. I was glad that she was my best friend since she was the only one who bothered enough to know what I'm feeling. I texted her back, saying that I'm okay. I didn't know what to do. I instantly felt very bored at my house. I turned my phone in my hands, deciding if I should call Liam. After a few mental wars with myself, I decided to call him.

"Hey." Liam's voice came into the line. "Where are you?" Liam asked.

"At home. Tell Allan I can't go today." I told him.

"She can't go today." Liam told Allan. "He said you better be back by tomorrow." Liam said.

"Okay." I said.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked. The exact same thing Gwen asked me.

"I'm good." I said honestly. "Kind of bored in my house." I heard Liam chuckle.

"That's what happens if you didn't come to work." He said. I grinned at Liam's response.

"Can you come here? I mean, after you and Allan finish? I need company." I told him as I bit my lip, hoping he will accept my offer.

"Sure." He said. "See you in fifteen? There's nothing much going on here." I smiled, quietly sighing in relief.

"Okay." I said. "See you later."

I changed to my denim shorts and a pink sweater that had a teddy bear on it. I tied my hair back to a neat ponytail. I looked at myself in the mirror to check myself. I stopped when I realized what I was doing.

What is wrong with me? It's just Liam in my house. Only us. I don't care if I look pretty or not, it's just my house anyways. I pressed my hands to my face. What the heck am I doing to myself? First I'm talking to myself, second I'm trying to impress a guy.

I heard the doorbell rang and removed my hands. I ran downstairs and opened the door. "Hey, Jasmine." Liam said when he came into my house. I grinned at him, glad that he came.

"Hey." I said back.

"Anyway, what do you want to do now?" Liam asked.

"Let's watch a movie!" I suggested to him. Liam smirked and agreed. "My choice." I quickly added.

"Fine." Liam agreed, smiling. I skipped on my living room and looked at the DVDs that I had on my DVD tower. I ran my hands on the movies. My face brighten up when I saw Little Mermaid.

"This!" I said, running to Liam and showing him the DVD I had on my hand.

"Little Mermaid?" Liam asked. I nodded gleefully as a response. "Sure." He smiled. I felt like a little girl when I put the disc on the DVD player. Childhood memories started filling my head as the movie started.

Halfway through the movie, I forgot when Liam slid his arms on my waist and his face was buried on my neck. I felt his hot breath on the crook of my neck. I was distracted from Liam's hot breaths on my neck.

I focused on the movie when my favorite part of the movie started. It was the part when both of them were on the boat and everything was so magical. They all started singing "Kiss the Girl".

I felt Liam move. When I looked at him, we were both staring at each other. Our eyes locked with each other. I saw Liam look at my lips and back at my eyes.

You gotta kiss the girl.

The song started singing again. Liam leaned forward, his lips brushing on mine. I heard my heart beating for a second. It felt heavier and heavier as Liam brushed his lips against mine. My hands were shaking, not knowing what I should do.

Should I kiss him?

I pulled away as Liam's lips started to crash into mine. I looked away and gulped, not wanting to fall for his eyes again. I removed myself from his arms and went to the kitchen as an excuse. I grabbed a glass of Lemonade and took a small sip.

"What was that?" Liam's voice startled me? I turned around and looked at him by the kitchen doorway.

"My throat was kind of dry so I wanted something to drink." I smiled nervously, holding the cup.

"You know that's not what I'm talking about, Jasmine." He said, walking towards me. I immediately went to the kitchen island, not wanting to be trapped.

"Really, Jasmine. What's wrong?" He asked in a concerned voice.

I took another sip of lemonade and set the glass on the table. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I turned around, but I didn't look at him. Instead, I looked down at the floor, not wanting to look at him directly on the eyes.

"Liam," I paused. "I'm afraid. I'm-I'm scared of falling in love." I said, closing my eyes.

There was a moment of silence filled the kitchen. I heard shifting and when I opened my eyes, Liam was right in front of me, his hands were on both my sides.

"How?" He asked suddenly. I turned away and not look at him, but his fingers pulled my chin up, making me look directly to my eyes.

"When I was in high school, I fell in love with this guy." I started. "I thought that he liked me back. He told me to meet him somewhere at school. When I opened the doors, I saw him kiss another girl and right then I felt heart broken. It hurts so much that I wasn't myself anymore for a couple of weeks." I closed my eyes, feeling the pain in my heart again. "I didn't like anyone ever since. I was scared that if I ever fell in love with someone again, I'm going to get hurt once more. And I don't want that to happen again." I said.

I then felt a pair of arms hugging me. I couldn't help myself but hug Liam back. I felt the tears roll down my face again, feeling the pain.

I was so hurt. So broken. It felt like someone stabbed me on the chest with a knife. Until now, I still could feel the pain in my heart. Where four years ago someone actually broke my heart and he didn't know it.

"I promise, Jasmine." Liam said. "I'll never ever break your heart." He whispered on my ear.

Hey, guys! I'm going to have Jasmine's past on the One Shot later. You'll understand why Jasmine is afraid okay? Enjoy!

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