Chapter 5 Liam /

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"That was the second best food I've ever had!" Niall said when we went into Harry's flat. We all decided to hang out for a bit in my flat since we weren't that exhausted.

"What's the first?" I asked.

"Nando's!" He said, grinning. Of course it was. He always goes there.

"So, where were you a while ago Liam?" Harry asked.

"I was with Jasmine." I replied.

"It was like you are interested with her." Harry said. The boys chuckled.

"What do you mean?" I said giving them a confused look.

"When you first saw her, your eyes kind of...sparkled. As if you just saw the brightest star." Zayn said. I'm sure my face just turned red. I can really feel the hotness in my forhead. "See?"

"You were also looking at her the whole time!" Louis added. "She's like your type. She's very bubbly, I got to admit." He said.

"Is it like love at first sight?" Zayn asked.

"Shut up Zayn!" I said, running my fingers through my brunette hair. "I just thought she was interesting." I said, sugarcoating it. He didn't sound convinced. He just smiled at me mischeviously, but I really was telling him the truth. I don't like her, but I think she was interesting.

"I like her really." Niall said. "She's a very good listener, too. She's so funny and cute." Niall said. They do look close. They kept on talking while we were eating dinner.

"See, even Niall agrees with me." Louis said. The lads all chuckled at me. Did they really think I like her? She looks like she already has a boyfriend anyways.

"Let's just go to sleep. I'm tired!" Niall yawned. "Night lads!"

As everybody went to their own flats and went to sleep, I am the only one who can't go to sleep. I still can remember Jasmine's face in the moonlight. She really was truly beutiful. And like what Louis said, she was bubbly. She is also unique. Very different. The conversation we had in the patio still floated in my mind. Did she really think that I was interesting?

The buzz of my phone removed me from my toughts. It was a text from somebody. I looked at the screen and my eyes widened. It was Danielle. I hit my forehead with my palm. I forgot about Danielle! I forgot about my girlfriend!

"Shit!" I swore. I looked at Danielle's messege. It was just a simple good night. Why did I forget about her? I was so stupid. Danielle texted me the whole night, leaving me with ne sleep at all.

"Woah! Have you gotten some sleep Liam?" Harry said when I got to Harry and Louis's flat. We meet there before we go to the studio. I shook my head, still tired from being up all night.

"Maybe he was thinking about Jasmine!" Louis said jokingly. The lads chuckled.

"I didn't." I protested. I was to sleepy to argue with him, I layed down on the couch and tried to sleep.

"What happened last night anyway that kept you awake?" Zayn asked.

"Danielle texted me last night and I completely forgot about her so I was talking to Danielle all night." I explained. I heard the lads starting to whisper, but I didn't care so I laid down on the couch. A few minutes later, I fell asleep on the couch.

"Let's go Liam!" Harry said, shaking me. "We have to go to Allan's studio!" Harry shouting.

"Fine!" I said getting up and change. I had a chance to fix my hair and brush my teeth.

We went to the studio and I saw Allan talking to Jasmine. Jasmine turned around and flashed a big smile on us. I couldn't help myself and smiled back at her. I don't know why, but her smile relaxes me.

"Good morning!" Jasmine waved. "I'm not really surprised that you guys are fifteen minutes late."

"Sorry Jasmine, it's just that Liam here can't sleep last night." Harry said elbowing me.

"That's okay. I couldn't sleep either." Jasmine said. "Anyway, what are you guys going to do today?" Jasmine asked.

"Why?" We all said at once.

"I have free time so I decided that I wanted to go paintballing and none of my friends are available. So, can you guys come?" Jasmine asked hopefully.

"Sure!" Niall answered. "Sounds fun!" He said. Jasmine smiled at him great fully.

"Great! I'll see you guys at two p.m. Bye!" Jasmine said, going back to her dressing room.

"I didn't know she likes paintballing." I told Allan after Jasmine left. Allan shrugged.

"That's Jasmine. She's girly in some way and boyish at some way, too. You'll learn a lot from her if you get to know her better." Allan said. "She likes to do something different from all the girls. She does hang out with lots of boys a lot. When she was younger, she played her Barbie with her brother's monster truck." He added. The lads chuckled.

"Well, I think it is really cool." Niall said honestly. "It'll be fun to have a girl that kind of acts like a boy! At least she won't force us to do make up in some ways." The lads and I all laughed at him.

"What?" He asked in confusion. "It happened before and the result wasn't good." We laughed even more, imagining what Niall looked like using make up.

"I can't wait!" Jasmine said excitedly.

"You must really love paint balling." Zayn concluded.

"Well, I do hang out with boys a lot. I'm not that girly." Jasmine said. "It's not like I like using make up a lot."

Niall sighed in relief. The lads and I laughed, an image of Niall on our head, except Jasmine who was looking very confused. "What?" She asked. "What's so funny?"

"Someone once tried to put make up on me." Niall explained. He then wrapped his arms around Jasmine. "Thank God you're not that kind of girl!" He said, burying his face on her shoulder.

The lads were laughing at him except me now. How is it that they got really close that fast? Why don't I have that much strength? If I were more of an open person, I could get that close to Jasmine.

"Well, let's go!" Niall said when he removed his arms from Jasmine. He then pushed us to the paint ball field after we payed our guns and armor.

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