Chapter 2 Jasmine /

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"Are you sure he is here?" I asked my assistant, Sasha, nervously. I just came back from my concert in the US and I was very excited to see Allan again. It's been a month now actually since the concert and I really miss him.

"Positive!" Sasha said excitedly. "You already know he's always here!"

"I don't know..." I said worriedly.

"By the way, I heard he is managing a new client right now." Sasha said.

"Really? Who is it?" I asked worriedly. Did Allan forget about me, I thought to myself. I can't believe he forgot about me already after a month. Wow, Allan. Just because I had three concerts and one week of vacation, you don't have to replace me.

Sasha shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. Just relax, he won't forget about you! You are his favorite..." Sasha said as if she is reading my mind.

"Okay." I stepped into the elevator, hoping Allan was here. But the thought of Allan managing a new client can't leave my mind. I want to know who it is. The elevator doors opened and I managed a big smile. As I stepped out of the elevator, I saw Allan talking to his new clients.

"So this is what you do when I'm not here?" I said raising an eyebrow.

Allan and the five boys on the couch looked at me. Allan was speechless. "Jasmine?!" Allan said, still surprised.

"Is that what I get from my manager after not seeing him for a month?" I questioned.

"Jasmine!" Allan called out. I big grin was on his face. "I...I can't...I can't believe it! You're here!" Allan said, standing up and hugging me.

"I missed you!" I said hugging Allan back. "How are you?"

"Good! Good! How about you?" Allan said quickly when he pulled away.

"Great! I heard you were managing new clients." I asked Allan. The five boys that was sitting on the sofa stood up and gave a warm smile. "You better not have forgotten about me!" I said.

"Of course not!" He smiled. "Jasmine, this is One Direction. One Direction, this is Jasmine. The girl that I was talking about!" Allan said excitedly.

I gave them a big smile. "Well it's really nice to meet you guys!"

"I'm Harry." The boy with dark curls said as I shook his hand. "Amazing performance at the finale by the way." He added. I was glad that he loved the performance. I didn't even know that a famous celebrity watches my performances.

"I'm Louis!" The boy with a striped shirt said. "It's so great to finally meet you! Huge fan!" Louis continues, shaking my hand.

"I'm flattered you know who I am!" I said. "I didn't know a person from a boy band knew about me." I chuckled. Louis

"I'm Zayn. Great to meet you!" The boy with black hair said to me.

"I'm Niall! I love your songs!" The boy with blonde hair said when he shook my hand.

"And I'm Liam." The boy with brunette hair said. I smiled at them warmly.

"Anyway," I looked at Allan. "I missed you so much!"

"Me too! What happened with the concerts? I thought you are coming back next week!" Allan asked quickly.

"Well, as much as I liked my vacation, I missed you so much that I came back!" I replied. "So, how are you and Elice?" I asked curiously. Allan's cheeks brightly turned red. Elice was Allan's crush. He was crushing on the girl for months now! I was trying to pair them up, but Allan is too weak to ask Elice out.

"Good." Allan squeaked.

"Did you ask her out yet?" I asked hopefully. But Allan just stood there, stiff. Which tells me it was a 'no'.

"Oh come on Allan! You promised me that you'll ask her out before I came back. You have been crushing on that girl for months now!" I said disappointed.

"Wait," Louis interrupted. "Who's Elice?"

"Oh," I smiled mischievously. "She's some girl he has been crushing on for a long time now." The boys "oohed" as I said that.

"Elice is one of my friends. When I paired Allan and Elice a long time ago, Allan and Elice were getting along. It's been months already since he had a crush on her. I encouraged Allan to ask her out but he is still too weak to ask her out." I said slightly punching Allan's alarm. The boys were grinning at Allan now.

"W-What?" Allan said, his face bright red now. "Why is everybody looking at me for?"

"I know love when I see it." I said, making a heart with my fingers. I let out a giggle. "You have to ask her out!" I said encouraging him.

Allan took a big breath then finally said "Okay, I'll go for it." He surrendered.

"Yay!" I said giving a little clap. "Good, because I invited her for dinner tonight."

"Wait, what?" Allan asked with a wide-eyed expression.

What's up! Thank you for reading the first and second chapter! Love you guys! Please vote, fan and comment! Thanks guys!

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