Chapter 15 Liam /

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I froze as I Jasmine told me she doesn't love me. But I still have this feeling inside me that she loves me. She must have been lying. My heart was full of misery after the conversation in the music room. The way Jasmine turned me down after I told her I'm in love with her.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked as he saw me walk out of the music room.

"We saw Jasmine crying down the hall and left." Zayn said.

"Are you okay?" Louis asked. I looked at them with a frown.

"I told Jasmine how I felt. She turned me down." I said and looked on the floor.

"Why would she turn you down? We actually thought she likes you." Louis said.

I shrugged my shoulders and leaned on the wall. "Maybe she doesn't feel the same way." I said. The lads looked at each other with disappointed faces.

"You have to talk to her." Harry said, breaking the silence. "I know she likes you too, Liam. There must be a reason." He told me, patting my shoulder.

"Yeah, me too." I muttered.

I decided to call Jasmine that evening, I mean if she answers. There was a small part of me saying that Jasmine still has feelings for me.

I called her five times and it all goes straight to voicemail. Maybe she doesn't want to talk to me or something, I tought to myself. I laid down and tought about Jasmine's reaction when I told her I love her. She was completely frozen, no words were coming out.

"Sorry Liam, I-I can't."

The words she just said was heart breaking. The words floated my mind as I laid down thinking why she said she doesn't love me.

But a small part of me knows that she does love me. While I was looking at her, she looked scared. She was shaking as if she saw a ghost. Her face was pale after I told her my feelings. In her eyes, there was fear behind. Something was wrong about it. She didn't look normal.

"Why don't you visit her?" Zayn asked before we went to our own flats. I looked at him, removing me from my thoughts.

"Why would I?" I asked him.

"She won't answer you when you call. Maybe she is going to tell you why if you guys were face to face." Zayn answered.

I thought for a minute, trying to see what I am going to do. Maybe Zayn's right. Something's wrong with her and I want to help her. I don't want her to avoid me. "I'll try." I said. "What if Allan asks where I am tomorrow?"

"We'll just say you were out." Zayn said, patting me on the back.

"Thanks." I gave him a small smile, glad that one of my best friends would actually help me.

The next day, I drove to Jasmine's house. I tried calling her still, but she still didn't answer me. It was very odd. I wanted to know why Jasmine was lying.

I knocked on the door as I reached her house. A tall girl with brown hair and ombre hair opened the door. She studied me for a moment and looked back at me. "Liam right?" She asked. I nodded. "I'm Gwen, by the way."

"Is Jasmine there?" I asked her immediately. "I need to speak to her."

"She's in her bedroom, but be careful. You might wake her up." Gwen led me to her bedroom and saw Jasmine sleeping peacefully. She looked like she has been crying for a long time. There were tear stains on the bed and she was hugging her pillow tight. I stood by the doorway and watched her sleep.

"Um, Liam?" Gwen said, breaking me from my thoughts. I turned around and looked at her. "Can I talk to you?" Gwen asked.

I nodded my head and followed her outside. "Did she tell you what happened?" I asked her.

"Yeah." She nodded.

"Did she tell you why she doesn't love me?"

No word came out of Gwen's mouth. There was complete silence. She sighed and slowly nodded her head. "Yes." She finally said.

"Can you tell me why she doesn't love me?" I begged.

"Liam, she likes you. But there's a reason why she doesn't want to say it." Gwen explained.

"Can you tell me why?" I asked.

"She..." Gwen trailed off and looked down at the floor, pausing her thoughts. She looked back at me with concerned eyes. "You have to figure that out on your own." Gwen said.

"But I want to know now." I told her. "Can you please tell me?" I pleaded.

"Sorry, Liam." Gwen shook her head. "It's kind of a secret. She will tell you when the time is right." I looked at her for a moment, thinking that something must have been hard on Jasmine that it broke her.

I nodded and went back inside her room. Jasmine was still sleeping. I can watch her all day if I can. Her eyes fluttered open. "Liam?" She said, confused. "What are you doing here?"

"I have to go. Just call me when you need me, Jasmine." Gwen said. She picked up her bag and left the room.

"What are you doing here?" Jasmine asked once again.

"You didn't answer my calls, so I came here." I told her.

She didn't speak. She just laid there, looking directly into my eyes. "I'm sorry about yesterday, Liam. I just wasn't ready." She said.

"It's okay. I mean, I'm just saying how I feel." I told her. "But I wasn't lying."

"Liam, stop it's-"

"I really do love you. I fell for you." I cut her off. Jasmine looked at me with fear. Her eyes were telling me she's scared. "I know it's too early, but I know you're the one."

Jasmine looked at me for seconds. Her mouth was open, but no words came out. She blinked once and looked down.

"Jasmine, I just want to know the truth." I told her. "Do you like me?" I asked her.

Still no words came out from her mouth. After what felt like ages, she nodded quietly. "Yes." She whispered.

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

"I can't tell you right now." Jasmine said. "It's very hard. You have no idea what I'm feeling." Jasmine told me.

"I don't know, Jasmine." I said shaking my head. "All I want to know is why you don't want to tell me."

"I'll tell you soon. Maybe tomorrow. But not now, okay?" Jasmine pleaded. "Please?"

"Okay." I nodded my head.

"Thank you." Jasmine smiled gratefully. I went near her and hugged her.

"I love you." I whispered on her hair.

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