Chapter 8 Jasmine /

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"Really?" I said surprised. "Jaleb's okay now?" I asked in surprise. It must have been two weeks and it was a miracle that Jaleb is okay now. He woke up three days after the accident. All those prayers finally payed off. I owe something to God.

"Yes. Everything is going well, ma'am. If you excuse me I have to go to another patient." The doctor said, giving me a small smile before leaving the room. I sighed in relief and thanked the doctor for everything.

I looked at Jaleb. He still was on the hospital bed. He had a cast on his leg and arm. There was still a bandage on the side of his forehead. But even if he wasn't in good condition, he was smiling at me. "I told you everything's going to be fine." Jaleb said to me.

"Yes, yes you did." I said hugging him, being careful not to touch his broken spots. "Thanks for not leaving me, Jaleb."

"Don't say that Jasmine." Jaleb said. "And who said I'll be leaving you already?" I chuckled at him, still thankful that God didn't take him away for me. I closed my eyes and gave a relief sigh.

"Um, Jasmine?" Mom said poking my shoulder. "Can I talk to you?" It didn't sound like she was asking a question. It sounded mandatory. I let go of Jaleb and looked at Allan who is next to me.

"Go." He said. I nodded my head and followed my mom outside.

"Why did you come here?" Mom asked.

"What do you mean why did I come here?" I asked her. "Jaleb is my brother! Jaleb and Jane is everything to me!"

"You haven't even talk to them for a long time now. Do you know how much they wanted to see you? Why haven't you come?" Mom asked.

"Because I don't want to see you and dad and Jess! You guys ruined my life. You never cared about me. I didn't want to see my family! You guys were nightmares to me!" I shouted. Tears streamed down my face. "And you're asking why I never came back?"

My mom started to cry. "Jasmine, we cared about you."

"Really? 'Cause it doesn't look like it!" I shouted. "Where were you guys when I was in the school talent show? Where were you guys when I had my sixteenth birthday? Where were you guys when I won the X Factor?" I cried. "Did you care?" I questioned.

I can tell my mom was shocked. "I've been wanting to tell you how angry I am when you left us. Aunt Dane became my mom. Auntie was our mom and she never left us. Even Jane thought she was her real mother. She was the one who took care of Jaleb, Jane and me. And her." I continued. "Then you took Jaleb and Jane immediately after I left to audition at X Factor. Do you really hate me that badly? Why don't you just say it in front of my face of how much you hate me?"

"We never hated you! We did care about you. We were too busy for you guys to have a living." Mom answered.

"You guys were always busy!" I said, shooting my hands in the air. I was mad, really mad. "I always remember the time where you kept on swearing when Jane was born. All those sadness in your eyes are just bullshit." I said. "Did you even know that Jess bullied me? Huh?" I looked at my mom's eyes.

"Jasmine, I'm sorry-" She tried to touch my hand, but I pulled away immediately.

"Don't touch me." I said. "After this, I would never want to see your face ever again."

I ran down the hallway and saw the boys looking at me. I'm guessing they saw our fight. I stopped right infront of them. I looked at all of them right in the eye. "I'm sorry." I said then went into my car and cried even more. I've been wanting to tell my mom how I felt since I was young. It hurts me so much how my mom didn't care about me. I've been wanting to spend time with her all my life. I wanted to know what it feels like to have a family.

There was a knock on the car door. I turned to look it was the five boys. I opened the door and talked to the five boys. "Guys, I'm sorry that you saw our fight. Now you guys know what I felt." I frowned, not looking at them.

"I've seen people fight but not this intense." Liam said.

"Yeah. Me too." I muttered.

"Did your parents really leave you?" Louis asked. The guys shoot him murderous glares, knowing that he gave me a stupid question.

I slowly nodded my head. Liam wiped away my tears. "Stop crying, it doesn't look good on you." Liam said jokingly.

"Thanks Liam." I managed to smile. "And thanks for caring about me guys. You care more about me than my parents."

"Why don't you ask your parents about your situation?" Harry asked.

"You don't know my parents." I muttered.

"Harry's right. You should at least talk to your parents." Zayn said.

"Maybe, you'll undertand why they treated you like this all this time." Niall said.

"Do you really think so?" I asked.

"Yeah. You and your family can't fight like this all the time. There are two kids that doesn't understand you guys. It might pain them to see their family breaking apart as they grow up. You have to work it out." Liam smiled.

"What if they don't really care about me?" I frowned.

"Come on. Parents care about their children. It's impossible that they won't care about you." Liam explained.

I gave them a small smile. "Thanks guys. It really means a lot to me. Thanks for the advice."

"You don't have to thank us! That's what we always do!" Louis said. I smiled at them and they suddenly gave me a group hug. These boys really healped me. Even if I didn't really know who they were, I actually grew a fond of them.

Thank you guys for reading this chapter! Lots of stuff is going to happen. I mean not that much but lots of stuff is going to happen. Hope you guys enjoyed it. This chapter made me emotional and I hope you guys got at least a little bit emotional. Hope you guys enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote comment and fan! Also put this on your reading list!

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