09 - red

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"remembering him comes in flashbacks and echoes
tell myself, "it's time now, gotta let go"
but moving on from him is impossible
when i still see it all in my head
in burning red"


The morning after our impromptu sleepover, I laid in Harry's bed, silently cursing myself for giving into his invitation.

Granted, the sleep I had here was probably the best I've gotten in a long time, so I can't really complain. I probably should get that new mattress I've been thinking about buying.

With a tired groan, I turn onto my side and reach onto the nightstand, pulling my phone from it's charger. I squinted my eyes at the harsh light, before the adrenaline kicked in.

The time read 10:34.

I don't think I've slept this late for...well, just about four years.

I flung my body upright, sitting straight up. I combed a hand through my hair as I let my eyes wander around Harry's room. The sunlight cascading in from the blinds provided the perfect amount of natural light.

On his nightstand, next to his phone charger, there was a picture of him and Lennon, from when she was a baby. His hand held a bottle and he had the proudest, closed mouth smile on his face as he gazed down at her lovingly.

Naturally, a small, admiring smile started to spread on my face. My attention was torn away by the vibration of my phone.

How did I not remember to put Do Not Disturb on? Actually, how did I manage to not wake up earlier?

Daphne: Hey, so bad news. Hazel's mom just told me she found lice in her hair. Normally it wouldn't be a problem, but Andie slept in Hazel's usual cot yesterday. Lennon did too, if you're still with Harry. Just, keep an eye out.

I let out a fatigued sigh. I pulled the covers away from myself and slipped myself out of Harry's bed.

Navigating my way out his bedroom and down the hall, I noticed Lennon's bedroom was empty. It was then when I heard muffled voices downstairs. My feet carried me down the stairs, all the while the voices grew closer.

"Paw Patrol! Paw Patrol!" Andie's usual pleading voice greeted me when my feet hit the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey, look who finally decided to wake up." Harry teased as a playful smile adorned his face.

Andie and Lennon were making themselves comfortable on the couch, in front of the TV while Harry stood in the dining room. He was gathering the dishes from a late breakfast and taking them to the kitchen.

I approached him, grabbing the glasses while he grabbed the cereal bowls.

"I got a text from Daphne," I started.

"I did too." He responded. "They've been itching their heads but I don't think it's anything."

The two of us turn our attention to our littles on the couch. They both had a hand in their hair, scratching the scalp. We both winced.

"What'd they say works best now? Peanut butter? Honey?" He joked, walking into his kitchen.

"I think there's a hair salon not too far. I'll just go grab the special lice shampoo they have now." The dishes clattered in the sink as I set the cups down.

"Oh, right. The shampoo." He lets out an exasperated breath.

"How was your morning?" I asked, seeing there was still some coffee in the pot. I reached my hand up to the cabinet door I saw Harry get the mugs from last night.

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