01 - the best day

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"but I know i had the best day,
with you today"


"I'm really sorry, Daph," I apologize, taking my diaper bag from her outstretched hand. My other arm is supporting Andie, who rests on my right hip.

"It's really no worries at all, Dennie, you know that. I'm happy to watch Andie here for free," Daphne pinches Andie's cheeks in between her index finger and thumb, "but you insisted you pay me for it. I love my little peach." She smiles at Andie before returning her gaze to me. "You really didn't have to rush over here, you know."

Daphne moved to Holmes Chapel when Andie was a year old. She started hanging flyers around the neighborhood looking for babysitting or nannying employment. She watched Andie for a night while I went on a date–which was a colossal failure, I'll add–and Andie ended up loving her. So, I just kept calling her and recommending her to every new parent I met. Eventually, word spread and now she runs her own daycare out of her house.

We've become incredibly close over the past three years, aside from when she would watch Andie. I'd say she's my closest friend here now. It also helps that she lives down the street.

"I know, but I didn't want to make things more stressful than they had to be for you. Besides, Blaire saw my face and insisted I leave, so here I am."

"Mama," Andie tugs on my collar.

"Yes, my sweet peach." I meet her gaze. She points her finger past the baby gate connected to the kitchen counter.

"Can I say g'bye to Lennie?"

I turn to Daphne, "I don't know, peach, can you?" Daphne nods her head. I set Andie down on the ground and watch as she walks over to the baby gate, wrapping her fingers around the steel bars, looking excitedly for her friend.

Daphne effortlessly finesses the gate, disappearing into her living room before emerging holding the hand of another toddler.

"Lennie!" "Andie!" They cheer at the same time, matching wide smiles with each other.

"I'm going home." Andie says.

"See you tomorrow?"

Andie nods her head profusely. "I miss you. We'll play when I come back."

Daphne and I watch their exchange with proud smiles on our faces.

"Play when you get back. Wanna play all the time." Lennie pouts.

"Me too."

"Peaches," I call out to her, holding my hand down for her, "we gotta go bye-bye now."

Andie waves at Lennie before running to me and grabbing my hand with hers. Her hand is so small in my grasp, only holding onto barely three fingers.

"It's time for a nap for you, my dear. Daddy won't be here until late." Daphne swoops Lennie up into her arms. "You know, Andie and Lennon have been getting pretty close. I can give you her parent's number if you want to set up a playdate or something? I'll check with him, though I'm sure he'll agree."

"Please?" Andie tugs on my hand.

"Yeah, okay, that's perfect. Just have them text me."

Daphne nods her head. "Okay, I will. Have a nice night, Dennie. And you too, peaches. Feel better soon!" Daphne and Lennon wave us goodbye.

I guide Andie out of the house and to my car, strapping her in her carseat before placing the diaper bag on the floor underneath, remembering to grab her favorite doll and hand it to her so she has it for the drive.

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