introduction !

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hello !

welcome to 'the story of us' ! thank you endlessly for choosing to read it ! and everyone say thank you twitter for this story ! i love you all immensely !! <3

there's no need for dawdling, so let's get right into it, shall we ?

'the story of us' is a work of fiction. any similarities or comparisons to the face claims' real life counterparts are completely coincidental and unintentional. as i am an avid fanfic reader myself, any parallels to any other books or works are also completely coincidental and unintentional. all of those authors work so hard on their books and i'd hate for people to undermine the effort they put into them in any way.

this story is going to be soft. while there will be smut in it, it will be few and far between. their story is more focused on their emotional relationship and connection, not the physical. if that's a deal breaker for you, feel free to check out any of the reading lists on my profile for something that's more up your alley. another thing, this story is going to be a dadrry fic. if that's a deal breaker for you, again, check out the reading lists on my profile for something else.

there shouldn't be any triggering topics in this book, but if on the off chance that there is, i will include a trigger warning before the chapter containing the triggering content.

i will also include a/n's at the end of every chapter because I like having them there. i'll try to keep these ones short, but i'm not gonna make any promises.

as of right now, this story will be thirty-five chapters. in addition to these chapters, there will be an introduction (that you're reading right now, hello!), a cast list, a prologue, one epilogue, and a dedication. so, if you're following, it will be forty parts total.

before i go, if you write a fanfic and want exposure, please feel free to recommend them here ! i will not get mad or upset ! i know how hard it is to get your story out there and grow an audience ! you all work so hard and i want to help you get the recognition y'all deserve !! self-promotion is the easiest kind of promotion !! (i got this idea from zoe, @/onlytpwk, and thought it was so smart !!)

i think that's it from me for now ! i hope you all enjoy reading 'the story of us' as much as i enjoy writing it (which is a lot) !! if you're still reading this, i love you and i'm glad you're here. stay for awhile. i heard it's nice, though i may be a little bit biased.

all the love + gratitude in the world,
-az. xx <3

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