00 - prologue

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"Corner!" My voice carries through the kitchen as I navigate through the maze of people, shelves and countertops it is. The tray in my hand is covered in freshly cooked, freshly plated entrees and it would stay that way until we closed. The dinner rush is usually the worst today.

My hand crashes into the double doors connecting the kitchen to the dining room, pushing them open. As I emerge into the dining area, I grab a tray stand, located directly next to them and glide my way through the maze of tables.

Upon plating the dishes, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Once I was finished, I excused myself and retreated back into the safety of the kitchen. Wiping my hands off, I grabbed my phone and read the messages.

Daphne: Hey! I know you're working, but Andie has a fever and we can't let her near the other kids so it doesn't spread!

Two minutes later.

Daphne: I have her in my room watching TV now, but I know you hate that, so just whenever you come by is fine. I know you're at work, so we're fine for now!


I look up from my phone and make almost immediate eye contact with my manager, Blaire. I hold it as I approach.

"I'm sorry but I–" I try to apologize, but she cuts me off.


"Are you sure? It's Friday. I can stay–"

"Nadine, go. Andie needs you more than I do right now. We'll be fine. I'll see you tomorrow."

I peek out into the dining room. Someone was just seated in my section.

"Blaire, someone just sat down. I can stay–"

"Nadine, we're fine. Go. Tell Andie I said hi." She rubs my arm with a tightlipped smile on her face.

I grab my jacket and push through the same double doors, waltz through the dining room and out of the restaurant.


"I'm sorry, Ben, I didn't realize it would be this busy here." I unfold the napkin and lay it across my lap, settling into the chair after just being seated.

"No, no it's fine I don't mind waiting. Besides, it's been awhile since I've gotten that so-called 'English dining experience.'"

My eyes follow a girl, rushing out of the restaurant like she has to be anywhere but here. I wonder where she's going.

"Thanks for coming to visit me here, by the way. I could've gone back to the states." I apologize, hating to make people travel for me.

"I don't mind. Besides, you have Lennon here. How is she by the way?"

A smile dances across my lips. "Good, she's good. A flu's been going around the daycare recently, but thankfully she's been good so far."

Ben nods his head. "Well, I'm glad to hear that. Now, you know why I'm here, and it's not just to visit you, though I do miss you, Harry."

"I miss you too, Ben. It's been too long."

"And that is exactly the reason why I'm here. Your last book was monumentally successful–more so than we thought."

I nod my head, "Thank you, thank you."

"So, the publisher's decided to extend your deal by adding one more book. One more, and then you're done."


"I know, I know. You're done. I told them that, but they're offering...quite a bit for Harry Styles' final novel."

"I'll think about it."

"Now that's enough business for me today," Ben's voice is accompanied by that smooth smile of his, "Tell me about Holmes Chapel."

A smile meets my lips, matching his. "You know, not much has changed, but at the same time, everything's different."

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