Chapter 5

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The rest of the week went by quickly , consisting of school, my friends, and all this talk about Mkay's party. Tonight was the night . As I'm getting out the shower I hear my mom inviting someone in, that someone being Cassie . She hurry's up the stairs barging into my room.

"Hey girl." She says throwing her things on my bed. " do you wanna see the outfits I picked out for us?!"

"Yeah let me see ." I say while sitting next to her on the bed still in my bath robe. Again, I'm really not that excited about going to this party , but if Cassie really wants me to go I'll go. Besides, sometimes I feel like I have to look out for her. She can make very poor decisions sometimes .

She pulls out two outfits from her bag, one for me and one for herself . She hands me a white two piece set which is actually cute as fuck. ( reference above).

We quickly throw on our outfits and do our hair and make up, adding tiny diamond studs along our eye lids. Before we leave we take a mirror picture and I post it on my Instagram with the caption ~when you see her, you see me👯‍♀️~

Before leaving I quickly kiss my mom goodbye and reassure her that I will be back by midnight . Cassie and I hop in the car and in no time we are at the party. It's about 11:30 and people are already strung out in the front yard drinking from bottles of patron. I even notice some dude puking in a bush. Gross .

I give Cassie a look as if I'm regretting my decision coming .

" Nope you're going, we are already here ." She says while throwing the passenger side door open , jumping out while pulling down her dress.

Sometimes I hate that she can read me so well.

I follow behind her as a couple guys stare and make a few comments and what not at us. Ugh. Men.

As we enter the house filled with blaring music and people from school, some I've never even seen before , Mkay greets us laying a kiss on Cassie's forehead and leads us to the kitchen. We grab a couple of shots and head into the living room that has been turned into a dance floor for the event.

As Cassie and I dance and grind on eachother, I feel someone tap me on my shoulder . I turn to see Fez, basically my big brother . I met Fez through Rue and Cassie, their drug dealer. Ever since then we became really close . And when I was raped ? He beat the living shit out of my rapist. I have nothing but respect for the man.

"Hey Fez!" I say while throwing my arms around him.

"What the fuck you doin out here shawty?" He says jokingly .

"You know this isn't even my crowd , I'm only here cause Cassie wouldn't let me live it down if I didn't come ."

"I feel you", he replies while taking a pull from his joint. "You still don't smoke do you? " he ask while offering me the joint. Fez never liked to force drugs on me even though that's all he knew . It's all he was known for . The highschool drop out that's now the towns best dope dealer. He knows what this stuff will do to you considering he feels like he's the reason why Rue overdosed last summer . He respects my decision.

"Naw I don't ." Shaking my head.

"Das what's up." He says while taking another pull.

We talk a little more before I get up to take more shots with Cassie in the kitchen until we hear commotion coming from outside . Cassie and I look out the window trying to get in on the drama near the pool. I see Maddie in the pool with her legs and arms wrapped around some random guy, as Nate is yelling at her , calling her all types of slurs.

Nate then storms back into the kitchen shirtless and sweaty, quickly grabbing a bottle of tequila and downing it within seconds . He then throws the bottle right above Me and Cassie's head hitting the cabinet barely missing us . With one push, he throws every glass and bottle off of the kitchen island.

"Everyone get the fuck out of the kitchen! Get the fuck out of here !" He screams .

People begin to remove themselves out of the situation as well as Cassie and I. In situations like this I know how to sober up quickly.

"Who the fuck are you? Who the fuck invited you?"Nate exclaims with a chuckle slowly walking towards Jules who was too stunned to speak or move.

" I'm—im— friends with—"

"Does anyone know who the fuck this bitch is?! Someone better say something before I fuck this bitch up!" Nate spat in her face .

"I invited her!" I spat out. "Now get the fuck out of her face." I say while stepping in between the two of them.

Nate completely froze while eyeing me. He didn't know what to say. I quickly grabbed Jules' hand leading her outside . Fez trailed behind us giving Nate the evil eye before shutting the door behind us.

"What the fuck was that ?" Fez ask calmly while motioning to remove his shirt. I know what that meant . He wanted to fight . Despite Fezco being the chillest, most down to earth person I know, that mutha fucka is crazy.

"It's fine Fez." I tell him tugging his shit back down.

" I sit with Jules a little more to calm her down."

"I think I'm gonna head home, have you seen Rue?"

She's probably somewhere snorting a line of who knows what . I didn't say it out loud .

"No but I'll go find her , I need to find Cassie anyways , it's almost midnight ." I respond while rubbing her hair.

She nods her head as I get up to enter the house . I slowly maneuver my self through the crowd of people, trying to stand on my tip toes to see. I'm only 5'1 so this isn't the easiest thing for me. As I continue to look , my arm is suddenly yanked into the bathroom by someone . The light flicks on and it's Nate.

** uh oh... wtf could Nate want ? Especially after that fiasco 🙄**

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