Chapter 5: A visit to the past

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Trigger/Content warning!!
This chapter includes descriptive mentions of abuse and suggested suicide.

"(Y/n) can you help me with this?" Matthews voice echoed through the old barn as a light thump knocked against the ceiling. Looking up from her paper, the girl sighed quietly, pushing her chair back and walking around to the front of the desk, slowly dragging her fingers along the oak table.

Making her way upstairs, she quickly tied her hair up into a quick bun. Once in the loft, she spotted Matthew buried in stacks of hay. The two glanced at each other making quick eye contact, but just enough to mentally understand what he was asking for.

Leaning over she was quick to latch onto the wire wrapped around the bale of hay Matthew stood at the other end of. Quickly picking up the bale, it was tossed down into a separate room downstairs through a small opening.

"Who was that guy anyways?" Matthew quipped while still carrying on the task at hand, lifting each bale in sync with (Y/n).

Glancing up at Matthew, thoughts of the previous nights "discussion" between Thomas and Matthew at dinner about the dangers of how stupidly Matthew had acted, ran through her head. "Oh, just some guy looking to buy a horse." She replied, quickly looking away and getting back to work.

"He said he was meeting you again, after you meet yesterday. Usually when people buy a horse it's a one day deal, why did he show up again? And what's with you spending the whole day off with him? What you guys go and make out in the storage room or something?" He probed, furrowing his brows together as he stood up placing his hands on him hips.

Quickly after his comment, a deep blush spread across the girls face, "What? No! He didn't know how to ride, in fact he didn't know anything about horses. I was just showing him the ropes so that poor thing won't die in it's first week with him." She retorted.

"Mhm, sure. He's pretty cute though don't you think? You should see the way you look at him, like a lost puppy or some shit." Matthew scoffed, bringing his hand up to wipe away a droplet of sweat rolling down his forehead.

Quickly scrunching her eyebrows the girl felt her heart jump at his comment, had she really looked so stupid? "What- no I wasn't! Just- let's just get back to work." (Y/n) huffed feeling the warmth glide across her skin once more.

Chuckling, Matthew leaned over once more to grab onto another bale, "Yeah okay, whatever you say boss."

Time skip- 20 minutes later.

Slumping back down into the sturdy wooden chair, (Y/n) heaved out a sigh wiping her forearm against her head to rid it of the sweat and dirt. Slowly glancing back down to the papers, her mind could only think about the previous days events. She was left deep in thought about if she really had appeared that weirdly, had Thomas noticed? Had that man, Levi noticed how she looked at him.

Releasing a heavy sigh, she was quick to rid her body of the zip up sweatshirt she had on, leaving her in just the black tank top. Immediately feeling the relief of cool air hug her hot body, she leaned back into the chair feeling much more content.

The office door stayed slightly creaked open, but not enough to let anyone passing by see what she was doing. With one final sigh, her eyes drifted down into her lap, procrastinating the large stack of paperwork ahead of her.

The girls pupils were quick to latch onto the faded red marks, covering her arms. She felt her heart jump as her eyes widened, quickly traveling up her right arm only to be meet with the large stripes that forever displayed her cruel upbringing.

Instantly swiping the sweatshirt from the back of the chair, she flung her arms through it, covering any sign of her past. Though as much as she tried to stop, her mind only flooded with memories, her heart rate increasing by the second.

Flashback- (Y/n) is roughly 13/14 years of age.

The young girl sat with her back pressed tightly against the wall, shivering from the cool concrete floor beneath her skeleton. With each slight movement, her spine would rub against the rough edges of the stone wall, creating even more bruises, just adding the the collection she already obtained. Her body worked against her, shivering in an attempt to conserve heat, looking for any body fat to spare but coming up empty handed.

Red slashes marked her body, some freshly scabbed, others faded after the years had gone by. The old dress didn't do much to keep her warm, holes, blood and dirt covered the whole thing, matching her matted hair filled with years of grime.

A single rough slam jolted her body from above, lifting her weak head she recognized the sound; he was home. Her heart pounded inside her chest, pushing what little blood she had all throughout her body. Muffled foots let's could be heard, slowly making their way down the long stairs.

Throwing the door open, it slammed against the stone wall sending an echoey boom throughout the small room.

With wide eyes, she looked up to the man hovering over her frail body, slowly stepping closer and closer until right in front of her. The man bent down looking directly into her eyes, his breath flooding her face with an alcoholic wave, practically suffocating her.

"Did you clean?" The man asked through his gruff voice.

The girl only replied with a soft nod.

"Did you do the laundry and cook?"

Again, she only replied with a weak nod.

"You wanna know what you didn't do?" He asked gravelly as the girls eyes widened.

"Kill yourself." The man whispered through his sinister grin, slowly breaking out into a bellowing laughter as the girl sunk down even further into the floor, tears flooding her eyes.

She was aware if she just took her life, it would put an end to all the pain, however she just couldn't bring herself to do it, as if waiting for a reason to stay alive.

Hearing the quiet clinking of a belt, (Y/n) immediately slammed her eyes shut bracing herself for the pain. She was used to this, as if it was their nightly ritual.

"Hah! Look at you, already getting prepared to have some fun!" He laughed, sending a haunted reminder through her brain of who her father had become.

It used to be different, when her mother was still around. They all lived happily, the four of them. (Y/n) had a younger brother, who would play with her in the fields, running around and playing in the mud. Her mother, the sweetest lady who had the most gentle and tender hands, always around for a hug. And her father, who would play with them until sunset when they would all lay out of breath laughing. His laugh no longer carried the same love and affection, it had all changed after the accident.

A sharp stinging sensation was left on the young girls right shoulder quickly bringing her back into the present, a reminder to stop dwelling on the past. The loud snap of the belt ringing inside her ears as more tears flowed down her cheeks, the first of many for that night, ending just like every night for the past several years.

Two chapters in one weekend! Wow so sorry for the slow releases, I'm hoping to post more often as I've gained a bit of motivation recently! Anyways u hope you enjoyed and as always, thank you for reading let me know what you think!

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