Chapter 40: An Extensive Misunderstanding

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TW/CW: Mentions of sexual assault and rape.

The next morning...

Soft calls of the morning birds cheered through the window, the small opening providing a path for the gentle summer breeze to slide in. An oddly calm morning compared to the previous nights horrors, as if the world just continued on like nothing happened.

(Y/n)'s eyes slowly opened, moving her body slightly to stretch out her limbs. Taking a quick glance around the room, she eyed the white sheets, the light curtains that blew lightly around with the breeze and the neutral colored room.

Feeling a shift of weight coming from behind herself, she turned her head lightly to glance over her shoulder. Quickly feeling her heart warm, she flipped her body around slowly and cautiously to get a better view.

Her eyes scanned over the usually stoic man's face, his expression relaxed and gentle, his eyes closed softly while he peacefully slept, most likely for the first time in a while.

Levi's hair was slightly scuffed up, messy from the way he laid his head on the pillow. His arms came underneath the plush as his body rested chest down, soft breaths raised his back up and down softly.

The man's jaw moved slightly, sucking in a breath through his nose as his head dig slightly down into the pillow. Strands of his dark hair moved and shifted as he adjusted himself, his arms and back tensing stiffly before going lax, in a stretching movement as he released his breath.

His eyes opened softly, lazily trailing up to the girl nearby. His expression still stayed soft, slowly looking from her eyes, down to his shirt that rested on her body, back to her eyes, remembering the previous night.

A soft smile appeared on the girls lips, faint but still there.

Taking in a deep breath, Levi cleared his throat lowly before speaking, "How do you feel?" His voice was deep and husky, very gruff compared to usual.

A tight smile drew across her lips, her shoulders shrugging faintly.

His eyes left hers slowly, nodding in an understanding way before he slowly moved, turning himself onto his back with a sigh.

The man's arm moved up to his face, resting his wrist on top of his eyes, blocking them from the morning sun that crept through the glass. (Y/n) eyes watched as his Adam's Apple shifted, moving as he swallowed.

Without moving, his low voice spoke up again, a little more clear then before, "Are you hungry?"

Taking a second to think, "A little,"

As Levi's arm started to raise from his eyes, a booming knock came from deep within Levi's office, thundering and starting. Both their eyes connected with each other's quickly, moving slowly the man turned to look over his shoulder at the door.

Another knock viciously attacked the old door, a muffled yell being called out with it.

"It's Sunday?" He asked lowly.

"Yeah?" She whispered out from behind him, Levi's eyes trailing back to hers before looking down deep in thought, "We have the day off though, don't we?"

Another set of knocks came from the office, Levi's eyes jumping back to hers.

"Shit- I had a meeting this morning-" He breathed out sharply, turning and lifting the sheets from his body as he quickly made his way out of the bed.

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