Chapter 25: Reflecting the Past, Changing the Future

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The sparkling carriage came to a halt, the gorgeous grey horses standing still. A worker standing nearby immediately rushed over, opening the door.

Sitting inside the body of the carriage, a gust of the cool winter wind flew into the small room, the smell of fresh soil and cocktails floating inside too. Filling their ears was the sound of chatter, muffled by the short distance and large classy doors.

Stepping out onto the smooth concrete covered by the entrance arch, the silvery eyed man came into view, running a hand through his hair as his shiny shoes connected to the ground. His fluffy hair fell perfectly around his face, his head turning back as his hand reached up and into the carriage.

The two hands connected softly, their fingers lightly holding onto each other as (Y/n) stepped out of the vehicle. She could feel the warmth of his fingertips, the softness of his hands. Once she had stepped out, the worker closed the door behind her, clicking it shut.

Once she had stepped down, the pairs hands fell apart slowly, her fingertips missing the warmth of his as she gazed into his eyes. His face in his usual bored structure, his eyes connecting with hers before lightly falling down her body, examining her beautiful structure once more before quickly dashing back up to meet her gaze.

Shifting his weight slightly, he slowly moved his right hand behind her, gently placing it on the small of her back.

Her eyes widened for a moment, her heart speeding up dramatically as she quickly turned back to look at him, her eyes falling into his. A softer expression was held on his hard face, his eyes asking if this was alright.

(Y/n) quickly smiled softly, falling into his contact as the two began to walk to the shining glass doors. Levi's hand shifted to her hip.

"You look beautiful." Levi said softly so only she could hear, her lips curving up from his comment.

"Thank you, Levi. You look quite handsome as well, I must admit." She smiled warmly, his eyes flashing down to her as he gave a quick small nod.

Workers quickly moved and opened them as the couple neared, the distinct sound of chatter and glasses clinking filled the surroundings as the two walked inside.

Time skip, 10:43 pm.

The man sighed frustratedly, running a hand over his face, "This isn't getting us anywhere."

"Yeah, though I guess it makes sense. Not many people would openly admit to a crime to the worlds most badass captain who could easily take them down in one, mighty, flick." (Y/n) stated sarcastically, flicking her finger in the air during her last word. Chuckling lightly as he started back at her, his eyes narrow.

The couple had walked around for a few hours by now, making conversation and trying to get any information but none. They had even spoken to the man who hosted the party, their main suspect. However each time, the conversation just held boring topics that had no actual meaning.

Levi had pulled the girl aside, trying to get away from the crowded lobby to come up with another strategy. The two had ended up out in a balcony, leaning over the fancy railing as they watched the world operate outside.

"Levi?" (Y/n) asked softly, both their eyes staying focused in front of them as the man hummed a sign of acknowledgment, "You said you lived in the underground, why's that?"

Levi's eyes narrowed slightly, his head turning and looking at the girl as she looked back.

There was a moment of silence, Levi's head slowly turned back forward as he thought deeply, trying to piece together the words.

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