What's wrong with that? (A)

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"I'm sorry Alex" Bella said again for the hundredth time.

"Don't worry about it Bella, I'm fine"

"Bella, love, no one is judging you. You're doing so well." Edward said, though his flinch after Rosalie's glare told me she didn't necessarily agree.

Carlisle was checking the placement of the bones, I had already healed from the incident but he wanted to test the theory of the bones returning to their original position.

So far it seemed Edward was right, not a bone out of place.

"I really am sorry; I shouldn't have lost it"

I felt Rosalie nod, but I grabbed her hand with my free one playing with the ring on her finger. "Seth doesn't think about any of that, he just wants Renesmee to be safe. Like a big brother" I reiterated.

"I know I just over reacted... the way Jacob told me about it was more like..."

I chuckled "I'm not surprised. but for us an imprint is someone important. Someone who's existence changes our life for the better, and some who we change for the better... I mean did having me around help you"

Bella thought about it, her memories were still present, fading but she could remember the last year. "yeah, you were the friend I needed. And then you turned into the sister I had to keep safe"

I groaned "everyone says that."

"well, you did say Bella was the big sister and Leah the best friend" Rose added. I nodded before looking back at Bella.

"for Seth, Renesmee is someone he cares about, it's not paternal, it's not quite sibling but it's definitely more than just a friend. He's her protector, her keeper of secrets. A babysitter if needed. The same with Leah and Demetri."

I felt Rose run her fingers through my hair as Carlilse stood up. "well Alex, it seems the venom is working. All the bones are back where they belong, no breaks, just rest it takes a lot out of you to do so."

I nodded feeling a yawn come on. That was the one thing about the venom, it worked extremely well, but I felt so tired afterwards. And it was strange because I found out, since Rosalie injected me with her venom, I don't need sleep as much anymore. I still had to sleep but I could go with far less than normal.

He rested his hand on my head for a moment "Stay still," he ordered, and then he disappeared upstairs. I heard his office door close.

"I can handle that" I replied nodding slightly, Rosalie helped me lean back against the couch. I looked at Bella "you missed a lot... the treaty is stronger than ever. A promise from the council, a treaty not only between the Cullens and the pack but between my pack and theirs."

"your pack?"

I hummed "yeah, Seth, Leah and I... I guess it helps that we have bonds here. Seth won't leave Renesmee it would hurt too much, the same with Leah. And I won't make them"

"is Jacob still a problem?"

I sighed "not really, he's bound by the council, but he's the alpha of his own pack... Sam did mention something interesting before, and the council agreed."


"well, with so may alpha's there is bound to be one who is the alpha of alphas. Sam thought it was me, he said when I used my alpha voice to get away from his pack that it was so hard to stay standing. And Jacob lowered himself when I growled. Right now there are three packs, one with two and one with four."

"what do you mean?"

"well, Sam's pack is Jared, Paul and Quil. All of them have imprints, well their mates and ties to La Push. Jacob's pack is just him and Embry, I think they're off somewhere... they work well with Sam's pack for the most part. And my pack, Seth, Leah and me."

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