Baby Come Back

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Jake called Dwight and said they should be at the airstrip in half hour his crew was meeting him there and they wanted to go to the police station. Dwight said he would meet them there. Dwight told Peggy the plan she wanted to come but knew she would be a distraction for Jake after all he and the men were trained as American seals. He gave her another sleeping drought because he knew she would be pacing across the floors all night if not. He kissed Cathy and told her to look after Peggy and she agreed. Jake's cousin Heath came and offered any help with the situation.
Jake arrived and they realized there was not enough room in the car for everyone and luggage. David said well Peggy's car is still at the hospital if Jake had keys, after he dropped him off one the the fellas could go get it and head back to the airport to get the rest of them and the luggage.  Jake said it sounds like a plan.
Jake ran into the police department and told them who he was and he wanted to speak to whomever was in charge. They led him to Capt. Ellery, Jake explained he was a former seal trained by the United Stated Navy and his company had a total of six employed by him. He also said they were highly trained in finding missing persons and kidnapping victims and getting them back alive.  He said whether he worked with them or not they were going to work on retrieving his son! The Capt. said "we will gladly work with you, the boys mother is an angel of mercy I have worked with her many times. Anything we can do to get that boy back to her they would." Jake thanked him and said "well what do you have?" They went over everything thing they had so far. Jake told them it may not have any bearing but Peggy's father was a abusive man and he threatened her once about taking Troy away from her, could they send someone to check it out. The Capt. said right away and sent two detectives to Tom Cairns house.
He told them "the store did not hire any clowns and if they would they would have been inside the store. The clowns they hired were individuals that had an envelope of money given to them by another clown, the one that took your son. They had the number but the phone was found with the outfit and there was no finger prints we are waiting for DNA but that takes longer." How long Jake asked and was told three days at least. Can you show me where this took place at, tomorrow, tonight it is to late. It was killing Jake to think he couldn't get to his son now, it would be the second night that his son was not home.  Do you have cameras in the area yes at the intersections. How about streets parallel to the street this took place. We didn't think of that I'll get the footage brought up.
They went over the footage they had of the street were the store was located. Jake said "is that clown shorter then it's two counterpart's?" "Yeah I think your right," his men told him. Then Jake saw the clown pick up Troy and watched as the clown put something over his mouth and he stopped struggling, it seared his heart, the bastard drugged him. They watched as the clown took him down the alley where they lost track of them. Jake noticed the other clowns were busy making balloon animals for other kids none of them noticed the other clown and Troy. It seemed like the clown was waiting for Troy he was targeting him, but why?
Jake then asked where all Cathy had been earlier, David told him "they went to the restaurant where they met up with Peggy and I then went to a clothing store and then to the toy store." "The clown outfit was purchased at a store down the street but the person selling couldn't remember much but it being common man didn't look like he had a lot of money he even said he looked homeless." "No cameras in the store. Street camera with a view of the shop," Jake asked. "No it is out of any frame." Jake said, "we need that DNA faster." At that moment David walked in and told them he may be able to help with that, he called "Cathy and asked for the name of the contact for Scotland Yard. He then told her what they needed she said I may have a better idea give me five. "David said "Cathy is pulling in some favors hopefully we can get the results faster." Cathy called back and told David "someone from the Prime Ministers Office will be there shortly and to gave them what is needed to be tested."
They said the other traffic camera were loaded so Jake started going over the film. While doing this Jake ask for any footage they had of the restaurant the street or the hospital parking lots.
Jake looked at David and said "how did they know where he would be? Did anyone hear you talking about it at work or the restaurant." Not at the hospital we didn't know at that time where they were going. At the restaurant Troy was very vocal and any number of people would have heard but I don't think any of them would have done this." They found out the restaurant had film and it covered the entrance mostly but where they were sitting maybe in the frame. The Captain sent someone to get it.
Peggy couldn't take it any more and left to go to the police station. She was going to fast going around the curve at Mellon and went into a ditch. She hit her head and passed out. Zacky Martin hearing a noise went to the road and found Peggy when he opened the door she woke up and said "please take me to the police station." Zacky helped her out of the car and said "you really should go to the hospital." Peggy insisted on going to the police station. Peggy kept drifting in and out, Zacky was worried but he did what Peggy asked. They reached the police station and Zacky helped Peggy inside. At the desk the police officer noticed Peggy's head wound and asked if she needed a doctor. She informed them she was there for Troy Cairn she was his mother. They took her back where Jake and the crew was. Jake was studying the street footage when Peggy entered she said his name. He didn't respond to her David turned and noticed her condition. David told her to sit down and asked what happened. Zacky explained about the accident. Jake turned and said, "don't I have enough to deal with, without you putting this on my plate and went back to studying the footage. Everyone took exception to how he treated Peggy." Peggy was taken back to the time when her father always blamed her and she cringed, in a small voice she said "I am sorry." Jake turned around and said "no I am sorry, I just need to find our son"! David looked at Peggy and said "you really should go and get checked out?" She refused, "not until we find Troy. "David said "well at least let me examine you," upon her consent, David told her she probably had a concussion. He tended to her wound. Peggy got up and went to Jake looking over the footage.
They pulled up the footage of the restaurant, one of the hospital staff said they noticed a woman walk in and sit at the table on the other side of the booth that Peggy and Dr. Enys was at. So they watched, when they noticed the women she had dark glasses on and had her hair under a wide brimmed hat. Jake saw how she walked it resembles how the clown walked. He went back to the Abduction footage and asked if they could focus and enhance the clowns feet. He held Peggy's hand he knew it would be hard to see their son drugged and taken. They looked at the clowns feet and saw the high heels. They went back to the footage from the restaurant and saw the same heels. They were expensive and Jake thought she wouldn't. They then went to the footage of the other streets and he saw it there on the next street over Misty's car.
When he told everyone his suspicions. They were all horrified that a woman would do something like this to get back at a woman she felt took her boyfriend. Jake said "Okay guys she is clearly unstable to do this we have to be very careful." They sat and made their plan to get Troy back with the least amount of trauma for their son.

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