The Betrayal

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Jake has an opportunity to stay in the service and thinking this will them save a little more get each to discuss this with Misty. Misty told him that was not what she signed up for. Jake realizes that there is no reason why Misty shouldn't be with him and decides they can get married now.
Jake calls Misty "hi sweetheart, how are you Jake asks? "Jake" Misty exclaims "what happened why are you calling"? "Well I wanted to ask you something" he tells her, "would you like to marry me, I can home in a month and a half and we can be married"? "What are you crazy, it takes over year to plan a wedding" she tells Jake. Jake is taken aback " I thought we could have a private ceremony ". "Well I want a big wedding besides there is something I should tell you" she sighs "I've been seeing Heath and he has asked me to marry him". Jake cannot believe what she just told him "Misty did you tell him you have already promised me your hand"?  "No Jake, why would I there was never a ring or an official announcement" Misty told him.  "Those plans we made meant nothing then to you" Jake shouted.  "You must see that plans are not an official engagement, I have accepted his proposal, I am sorry" she said. Jake hung up not saying another word.
Heart sick and defeated Jake finished signing up for another tour and with his status of a Navy Seal he was also going or doing something he felt important, instead of going home he signed up for one mission after another for the next two years.  When Jake received notice that his father was dying, he finally had no choice but to go home.  He arrived at the airport and was picked up by his fathers housekeeper.  Greeting Jake she gave him a hug and kissed him on the cheek.  Hello Nancy how are you?  How is father today?  I am fine Master Jake and your father is hanging in there, Once he found out you were coming home he got a second wind. Nancy did my cousin marry Misty yet, no sir she is still planning her wedding I think they set the date for News Years eve which is about six months yet,  well let's go see my father.
Arriving at his fathers home Jake went straight to his room, upon seeing Jake his father exclaimed "my son, I thought I would never see you again". Jake bent down and kissed his fathers cheek feeling the wetness from his tears.  "I must tell you son I am sorry for being such a poor provider for you not only monetary wise but also as a moral example.  After your mother died I didn't know how to cope let alone how to bring up a young boy.  Please forgive me", his father said. "Father there is nothing to forgive you did your best" Jake said.  His father looked at him and said " I know that if we had the same kind of money as your cousin, Misty probably would have waited for you! I hope you see she isn't what your mother was to me, she can never be someone who will give her whole heart because her heart only has one person it consider worthy that is herself.  Find yourself a nice young woman that will give you her all and love her with everything she has  and you will be happier for it". "Father I am too busy focusing on my military career and taking my courses to get my MBA, I don't have time for thinking of a wife". Jake told him. His father shook his head. They spent the next few hours sitting and talking to each other.  Ross was awoken in the middle of the night to inform him his father had passed.
After receiving permissions to spend the next few months in leave to straighten up his fathers affairs since he was the only surviving child. During this time he found out his father had been saving money for him. His cousin and Misty came up the hill at the funeral, Misty laying her arm in his said "I am so sorry Jake, if there is anything Heath or I can do let us know.  Jake gave her a withering look saying " I think you and he have done enough. Leaving her standing there looking aghast.

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