Game of Fools

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Jake went to Heath and asked where things stood with Misty.  Heath told him that George wasn't willing to pay for the divorce so they were stuck in limbo. Jake told him that he would like to start seeing Misty. Heath asked if he was crazy, what about Peggy and Troy? Jake said "Peggy said if I still had feelings for Misty then it was over between them, as for Troy, he doesn't like Misty so he'd have to see him without her." Heath told him it was probably for the best because if he wanted Misty, she would not accept the boy. Jake shook his head,  why did they under estimate her ability to love the boy? Heath told him if he wanted to have Misty to take her but be prepared to to look back at this time and realize he lost the best thing that had ever happened to him.
Hugh had several dates with Peggy with and without Troy.  He really liked the boy and Peggy was everything he could ever dreamed in as a partner. Peggy was impressed with how much joy, love, dedication and happiness Hugh showered on her and Troy but she still had misgivings, she didn't love him.  She could tell Troy was holding back too.
Jake and Misty had gone out and spent time together. Jake was still trying to set up his company, Misty didn't like the amount of time he was spending away from her, then she was upset when he wouldn't give her money to spend on her excessive wardrobe.  Misty was spending more and more time with George again. Jake realized this to is what she did to Heath. Jake missed Troy but true to her word if Troy didn't want to come spend time with him, Peggy didn't make him go. Misty told him it was for the best after all she wasn't sure Troy was his son anyway. He had told her time and time again that Troy was his son and no amount of denying would make his that change.
Jake wanted Henshaws Pizza, Misty and him just pulled into the parking lot and Misty was having a fit, "why are you bringing me here, this it is so far beneath us. You should be taking me to five star restaurants not these pizza joints." "Look Misty, sometimes the simple things in life are just as good as the more extravagant.  They walked in and the waitress showed them to a table. Misty was still complaining loudly and giving everyone a hard time.  Jake heard laughter and looked up there at the table in the corner was Troy, Peggy and Hugh. Troy and Hugh had their heads together working on what Jake assumed was a word puzzle while Peggy watched. Troy looked up at that moment and saw his dad he got up and went to his mother and put his arms around her. Jake knew he was confirming to Jake that he would protect his mother as his mother protected him. Misty started complaining about Jake not paying attention to her then saw who he was looking at. She got up from the table and walked over to Peggy's and Troy's table, Jake tried to stop her but Misty was going to settle this once and for all.
Walking up to Peggy she said "will you please tell Jake the truth and that Troy is not his son"! Peggy was stunned but High wasn't, he jumped up and said did we invite you over to this table, take your dumb ass back to your table and leave us alone. Jake went to grab her arm and she pulled back, her hand came around and hit Troy in the head. Peggy jumped up and said "your right, Jake isn't Troy's dad it takes more then sperm to do that. Jake IF this bimbo ever touches my son again, I will have charges brought against her". Jake was now furious not only did Misty cause a scene but she also hit Troy, even if it was an accident it was her fault. Troy was crying and Peggy was soothing him, she looked at Hugh and his Beeber went off. He told her he had to take the call, Jake bent down and rubbed his hand up and down Troy's back. Telling him he was sorry that Troy's night was ruined. It hurt Jake that Troy wouldn't acknowledge him. Peggy was starring Misty down giving her the death stare. Misty looked at Jake and said "come on baby let's go to that restaurant over on 5th and Main". Jake looked at her and said "you know what Misty if you want to go GO. I am done"
Misty huffed "fine I will call George". She walked away when Jake didn't answer her.
Jake looked at Troy then Peggy and said "Troy you are my son and I love you and even if your mom and me aren't together you will always be my main priority".
At that moment Hugh came back and apologized to Peggy, he explained he called into the hospital, he told her he would call her a Uber, Jake jumped in and offered to take them home. Hugh looked at Peggy for direction he really didn't want her accepting a ride from Jake. Peggy looked at Hugh and told him to go because she was going to wait for there meal then they would go. He kissed her cheek and gave Troy a hug and Jake the stink eye, then left. Jake said ', "it looks like I am free could I possibly join you for your meal? "Troy looked at his mother pleadingly, she knew he missed Jake even though he tried not to show it. She nodded her consent. After some awkwardness they settled into having a good time. Jake realized that Peggy was something Misty could never be. She was real why had he forgotten that.
Troy really was enjoying himself and if Peggy was honest with herself she was having fun to but she was still torn how could she forget Jake loved Misty, would he come to resent Troy if they broke up because of him. She had to try to talk to both Jake and Troy together to see how or what they wanted to happen between the two of them. She decided that would be a conversation once they got home.
Once  they reached Peggy's  she asked Jake if he wanted to come in.  She said "I think you and Troy needs to talk". Jake nodded and said "you and I to, I think".
They went inside and Peggy said "let me get Troy ready for bed so if he falls asleep I won't have to wake him. Jake there is some wine or beer in the fridge help yourself.  When getting Troy dressed for bed she told Troy she knew he loved her and wanted to protect her from being hurt but he shouldn't do that at expense of his own feeling. He can have a relationship with his dad no matter what Jake and her relationship is.  When they went back to the living room where Jake was waiting. Peggy started the conversation, "Jake I know you have tried to get Troy to go with you and he refused. I believe he did this because he didn't want me to be hurt but as I told him, he can't protect me at his expense. So now it has to be a decided what you two want from each other?"
Jake said "I want to be a proper Dad to you Troy, your my son and I love you." Troy said "I want to be with you but I don't like Misty she doesn't like me either so why do I have to spend time with her," he asked Jake? Jake told him he never expected him to, he just wanted Troy to spend time with him. "Although I don't think you have to worry about Misty anymore I was a fool and I know who and what I want and it isn't someone who only wants social status and someone to spend money on her or loves nobody but herself.  Like I said I was a fool and I hope you will give me a chance to be your dad again!" Troy hugged him and asked if they  could watch a movie together?  Peggy put a movie in and got up to go to into her bedroom to let Troy and Jake alone. Jake stopped her and asked if she would set with them and Troy nodded his head vigorously. They sat and watched the movie which Troy made it about half way through when he fell asleep. Jake told Peggy that he was sorry he said, "I thought that I loved Misty but it was nothing more then a chance to reclaim something that I felt I lost, but I realized that she could not ever make me happy and she probably never could. I want someone who has a kind, generous heart. I found that person and left her go but I knew now there was only one person who I wanted by his side and it was her and I want you to know, if you give me a chance I'll prove I could be the man you need.

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