Letting Go

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Jake and Peggy sit until well after the club closes. Jake then walks her home. "I would really like to take you out?" Peggy smiles, "I am pretty busy with the cafe, club and classes, but I think I am free Sunday after 3:00." Jake said "great how about you come over to my place and we will have dinner, we could go for a walk to the beach." Peggy agreed and their plans are made.
When Sunday arrives he has a meal of Turkey with all the fixing with cherry cheesecake for desert. The house keeper set the table and she made the room as romantic as possible. Ross picks up Peggy and takes her to the Nampara. He tells Peggy that this is the home he inherited and it was built a over hundred years ago it is called Nampara. It has four glorious pillars in front and fireplace's in every room. They sit at the dining room table and talk all through supper. After desert Ross ask if she would like to go to the beach. While walking they come upon another couple. Ross was surprised to see Heath and Misty approach them. Seeing Misty brings back all the old feelings making him feel guilty about being on a date. He retreat into his head after they parted. Peggy could not help but noticed the difference in Jake and decided that although she had a very nice time, that there was something between Jake and Misty. She had enough heartache from men, that was still hooked on old girlfriends she didn't want to go through that again. So when they got back to the house she told Jake she thought she should leave. Jake said "please stay I need you." Peggy said "look Jake I could see something between you and that girl and I am not a 'Wham Bam Thank You Mam' type of girl." Jake said "we did have a thing but it is over." He moved close and kissed Peggy thinking that she would be able to help him forget Misty. Peggy was pulled under Jake's spell, he was strong, handsome and had a kind heart.  They ended the night in Jake's room where they made love.  Early the next morning Peggy woke and noticed Jake wasn't in bed, she got dressed and went downstairs only to find the housekeeper.  She asked where Jake was and the housekeeper said "he told me to get you breakfast and to tell you that he would be leaving on his next mission tomorrow, that being so he didn't know if he would have the time to talk." She said "he wanted to thank you for a lovely night." Demelza gasped how could her opinion of a man be so wrong.  The housekeeper looked at her with sympathy.  Demelza thanked her for the offer of breakfast but She had to bring going.

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