Like to Get to Know You

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Peggy knew she should talk to Jake but after seeeing his cousin and his wife and how the woman reacted to seeing Jake. She knew that whatever was between them wasn't over especially with the woman.
Jake waited 3 days and decided he was calling Peggy. The first 2 times it went to voice mail. The second time he was irritated that she was ignoring him. The third time it went through. Peggy answered the phone and shouted "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE" I am not someone that has the capability to answer the phone 24/7 I have a job." Jake said "hey, hey there is no need to shout." Peggy was getting more and more upset as he talked. "Oh I see it is okay for you to give me attitude but I am not permitted!" Jake sighed, "look I am sorry if I came across that way but I believe we have a person in common, which half belongs to me and I would like an explanation." Peggy replied irritably, "oh you want to talk now, how about when you left me in your bed at your house for the housekeeper to get rid of me, like I was just a common prostitute. No my son is not half yours, he is mine you gave up your rights when you did that. Besides he is a person no one Owns him." Jake was getting upset now, "I had a mission that I went on and I did try to get in touch later that day to say I was sorry." Peggy said, "yeah well maybe you should of told me that BEFORE I spent the night. I told you...I told you, I was not a one night stand type of girl. Your just like all the rest." Jake said "look I am sorry I believe you and I have a son, if so I want to be part of his life. I am not the type of man that ignores my responsibilities." Peggy said, "he is my responsibility I made the choice to keep him. I don't want someone that will ditch him when he gets confused," Peggy exclaimed! "I would never do that."Peggy sighed she just finished a 12 hour shift that was brutal, a young mother passed away and the baby was in critical care. "Look I am really tired when do you want to meet or should we just schedule time with the lawyers or do you want a blood test first Peggy," asked Peggy? "I know he is my son the times match and if there is another man out there that looks exactly like me, that you slept with, that would be more then a coincidence," Jake said. "Yes I got pregnant that night but that doesn't make you a father," she answered. "I think it does," Jake replied. Peggy finally replied "!okay so how do we want to do this, she had made it to her car and was on her way to pick Troy up." Jake heard her start her car, he asked her, "are you talking on your cell phone while your driving?" "I just got off work and I am sitting in the parking lot, I need to pick up
Troy." "Is that his name," Jake asked? "Yes" she replied. "I can bring a pizza over to your home for us for dinner." "Uh how about NO," she said, "I am not going to just invite you into my home." Jake told her, "okay I can meet the two of you at a place that sells pizza, although you have been at my home, look I just want to talk and spend some time with the two of you." Peggy asked "how will your cousins wife handle that?" "It isn't any of her concern," Jake replied."In case you didn't know she IS married to my cousin!" Peggy relented she knew she had to get Troy supper, she was tired, so she conceded. "Do you know where Henshaws' pizzeria is? " "Yes,"Jake said, "I can be there in 20 minutes." She said "that may be a little tight for me but after I pick up Troy we will meet you there." After they both agreed and hung up from each other Jake was ecstatic, he was going to meet his son, a son until a few days ago he didn't know he had!
Peggy picked up Troy and said "I have a surprise for you." Troy looked at her and asked, "what?" "We are going to Henshews' for pizza." She knew this was his favorite place and was happy to see him smile and rub his belly. We will be sharing a meal with the gentleman you met the other day. Troy looked at his mother he knew there was more she was going to say his question was, "why?" Peggy sighed "he is you father and he wants to meet you." "How does he know he is my dad, did he leave you because of me," Troy was ready to cry? "No my darling boy he never knew about you until that day, he has been in the military and I didn't know how to get in touch with him," she told him. He nodded and she said "he recognized you the same as you did. He knew from looking at you that he was your father and he wants to be a part of your life." Troy just shrugged his shoulders
They  were at the pizzeria in 25 minutes, he hoped and prayed she wouldn't stand him up. He was nervous what if his son didn't want him, could he be a good father would he be able to have him stay at Nampara with him. Then what about Peggy he thought about her for the past 4 years. She was still beautiful, but he wondered did he mess his chance up with her by leaving that morning, he was so confused with his feelings he liked Peggy but he felt like he was cheating on Misty even though she married his cousin. He thought about how little he thought about Misty compared to Peggy he knew that the feelings he had for Misty was puppy love and nothing compared to his feelings for Peggy. It was 5 minutes after the meeting time when she walked in. She had a nurses uniform on and she looked tired but she was still beautiful. She must of gotten her degree. Peggy saw Jake sitting in the corner she directed Troy over to him by hand. She stood beside the table and bent down looked Troy in the eye and said "Troy this is your father Jake Poldark" then she looked at Jake and said "Jake this is your son Troy Jacob Ross." Jake stood and got down on one knee with tears in his eyes and looked at Troy and said "it is nice to meet you Troy, can I hug you"? Troy looked at him and put out his hand out to shake so instead of a hug Jake and Troy shakes each other hands.
After they all sat down, Jake asked what they wanted to eat and drink. Troy looked at him and said "yesterday at the cafe you made my mommy sad, I don't like people who make mommy upset." " Troy I was surprise to see I had a son, so I didn't mean to make your mommy upset. I am hoping she and you will allow me to be part of your family. I really want to be your dad." Troy looked at his mother and she nodded her head, "you have a father Troy and he wants to be your dad" Peggy told him. "What he and I feel for each other should not play into your feelings for either of us. Give him a chance." Jake looked at Peggy and Troy,"Troy  there may be times your mother and me may argue but we both will always love you my son."Troy wiped a tear away and ran to Jake and hugged him. Jake cried right along with him. During dinner, Troy told Jake that he like animals, he loved to draw, he like to read and he loved music. He then asked Jake about his parents and if he had any Aunts or Uncles. Jake told him that his mother died when he was 12 and his father died 5 years ago about month before he met his mother, he told him about his little brother, Ricky who died a year before his mother from leukemia. He told him he had 2 cousins he was close to, and Uncle Charles and a Great Aunt Agatha. Troy raised his eyebrows "that means she would be my great great Aunt how old is she!" Jake laughed and said "you can ask her when you meet her, she will love you!" Love
Jake and Troy talked all through dinner, Peggy just sat back and left her son and his father talk, getting to know one another. Jake looked at Peggy and said "maybe you and Troy can come to Nampara for supper and we can show Troy my home and the beach." Peggy told him tomorrow she had a  shift at the office then another 12 at the hospital and then another day at the offfice which would leave her free on Saturday or Sunday he said "what if we plan for the day on Saturday, if it is nice we can have a picnic on the beach and swim in the ocean." Troy looked at his mom and pleaded with her to go she said "okay."Jake then asked "where does Troy stay while you work," she squinted her eyes at him and said "with the sitter!" Jake then thought for a few minutes and said "what if I take him one of those days to introduce him to his uncle and Great Aunt their estate is called Twenwith and they would love to spend the day with him." Troy looked pleadingly at his mother. Peggy hesitated, Jake seeing her contemplating everything that could go wrong. "Look Peggy, you know where my home is I will give you the addresses and phone numbers of everyone we visit and I will call hourly. I just want to get to know him and spend some time." She finally consented. It was decided that he would go the 12 hour day, giving Troy something to do outside.

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