Giving Up On You

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Peggy was laying in the bed looking at Jake sitting in the chair, sleeping. She remembered what Troy told her about Misty, she wanted to know exactly what Jake's feelings was toward this women. She knew she was a viper but until she did something to Troy she couldn't keep him away from Jake.  "Jake" Penny tried to wake him, "JAKE" she said a little louder. Jake woke up and noticed that Peggy was sitting up and obviously wanting to speak to him.  "Just what are your feelings for Misty, please tell me the truth and not what I want to hear" Peggy implored him.  Jake thought for a few minutes then said, "the truth is I don't know. I have been in love with her 10 years and I don't know if the feelings ever went away. At one point during the 5 years I was back in the service I thought I was over her because it was you I thought about but the more I interact with her the more the feelings are coming back."
Peggy was silent for awhile then she nodded her head. "Jake, I am glad you were honest. I was thinking about telling you, we could try again but I don't want to be in a contest with someone for your affections. My concern is my son, I can't keep Troy from you but I know she has no concern for my son welfare unless it is for her benefit. So if you want to be with her you have to know the first time you chose her over him. I will keep you from him, which I believe is her game anyway." Jake grabbed her hand , "I would never do anything to hurt him" he said. Peggy sighed " not intentionally but Misty would. Jake I would like you to leave, I don't want you to talk to me unless it concerns Troy, I hope you will be happy with the choice you have made." Hugh came in, Peggy looked up and smiled. Hugh said "are you ready to go home?" Peggy said, "yes." Jake then voiced his concerns that she shouldn't be alone. Peggy looked at the Doctor and said "if you aren't doing anything could you come over and visit with me and my son?" The doctor looked at Peggy then Jake realizing that Peggy was letting her sons father know she was moving on and he thought far be it from me to hold her back. He nodded at Peggy. Peggy told Jake "you see Troy and I will be well looked after".
Jake asked the doctor if he could speak to Peggy before he left. He said, "I don't want to stop seeing you, I just don't know if I am ready to give Misty up." Peggy answered him, "Jake if you still have those  thoughts then your feelings for me can't be that strong and I want a man that loves me totally. I can see that isn't you, Good-Bye Jake". Jake left feeling like he just made the biggest mistake of his life.
Hugh gathered Peggy and her items up and then they picked up Troy. She introduced Troy and Hugh to each other. In her room Troy said, "is Hugh going to be your boyfriend,?" She told him, "I don't know but they were going to see where it took them." Troy then looked and said "what about Daddy"? Peggy gathered him in her arms, she told him, "your daddy had feelings for Misty." She let him know that didn't mean he didn't love him any less,  but he just didn't love her like a person he wanted to spend his life with. She also let him know I wan to find someone who will love uswith all their heart so they would never be alone again."
Troy asked if he could call his dad, and Peggy told him to go ahead he didn't need to ask her if he wanted to talk to his dad.  Troy went to his room and started to cry, he didn't want Misty to be his step mother he wanted his mommy to be happy with his daddy. If his daddy didn't like her how could he like him because he said he was just like his mother.  Troy called Jake. Jake answered the call.
Jake Hi Bud
Troy sniffed and said , "Daddy why don't you want Mommy? You tell me I am like her but you want Misty. I don't like Misty and I don't want her to be my second mommy. If you don't love my mommy then you can't love me! I don't want to see you anymore!" Troy hung up the phone and threw himself on the bed and cried.
Jake tried to call Troy back and the boy ignored his call. Jake then called Peggy, "What did you say to Troy" he yelled.  Peggy said "wait a minute, I told him the truth, he asked who Hugh was and I told him. He asked me about you and I and I told him that you had feelings for Misty.  That is all".
"Well" Jake said " he told me that, "if I didn't love you he didn't want to be around me. He said he didn't like Misty and I always told him he was just like you so I couldn't love him either". Peggy said "this is my fault how? You know Jake just get on with your life with Misty. She is never going to accept Troy so just forget about us, it will make your life less hassled." She hung up.  She thought to herself it is done.

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