When Will I Be Loved

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Peggy told Jake she didn't want to keep Troy from him but she would protect her son from being used or abused. He said he now realized that Misty has her own was agenda and she maybe beautiful on the outside but she was ugly on the inside.
Peggy decided she needed to tell Jake about her past. She sat down opposite from Jake and told him how her father beat her mother and once her mother passed away it was her turn.  How she was placed in care of her brothers, the house and meals, laundry and if it wasn't up to par or if the boys got into trouble it was on her.  How her eldest bother next to her told her she had to leave or her father would end up beating her so bad that he'd kill or how if she didn't go, once she graduated she never would be able leave. So she left put her self through school by playing at the club and  waitressing. She also told him how she had two serious relationships and both of them had former girlfriends that would not let them go.  She started to cry and said, "what is wrong with me that men always want someone else. I am not as pretty, not as rich, Why AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" Jake went to hold her and tell her she was. She stopped him, "no don't try to placate me, you chose Misty, this is why I never give second chances because your type always find someone you will love more.  I think you should go Jake. I know my limitations, men just don't find me the type they can love." She got up and walked upstairs. Jake called after her and tried to follow but she shut and locked herself into her bedroom. He turned around and saw his son standing there.  Troy looked at his father and said "my mommy is lovable. She loves everyone and helps so many people and even animals. Why did you hurt her bad and make her cry." Troy was crying as he turned and ran into his room. Jake knocked at Troy's door but he didn't get any answer. He went and sat in the living room.  He thought back to the times when he chose Misty over Peggy and wondered why he did that?  What did Misty offer him, yes she was raised to be a socialite but that didn't matter to him. She was beautiful but so was Peggy. Where Peggy was kind, gentle, giving, generous and loving.  Misty was conceited self absorbed and down right nasty to people she thought inferior to her, things he despised in people.  Peggy was the best choice so why did he keep going back to Misty?  He called David and asked if he could meet up with him.  He knew in his heart that he didn't want Misty but couldn't figure out how she kept drawing him in.
David sat across from Jake as he tried to explain his confusion of wanting to be in a relationship with someone he didn't even like.  David explained that he loved Misty and while he was overseas she was the one he clung to.  He over looked her faults or maybe he didn't realize them back when they were planning on marrying.  He told Jake that in his mind she represented a time where his life was less complicated.  His father was alive, he had a girlfriend whom he thought was perfect.  David told him he needed to think long and hard about what he wanted in a relationship no matter who it was with he needed to go into it with his whole heart and do everything to make it work.
Troy knocked at his mothers door and asked if he could sleep with her.  Peggy got up and swiped the tears from her eyes.  She then unlocked the door and hugged  her son and told him to jump into bed.  She wrapped her arms around him and they fell asleep.
The next morning Peggy called in sick. Upon hearing this David then knew the conversation with Jake had something to do with her, he only hoped Jake would make the right choice for they both deserved happiness.
Jake thought long and hard about his obsession with Misty and realized that his attraction to her was exactly what David said, a wish to go back in time.  He also knew in his heart of hearts that he wanted to try for a relationship with Peggy but how was he going to achieve that.  He came up with a plan but he was going to need Cathy and David to help carry it out.
David asked Peggy if she and Troy would like to come out to Killwarren with them. They were hosting a dinner dance and wanted her there. He told her they had a maid that would be assigned to Troy and he would be able to play with Horace since Troy seemed miss his puppy at Nampara so she consented.
The evening of the dance Peggy was getting dressed, Cathy had taken Peggy shopping and purchased a beautiful dress for her. Peggy had fought with Cathy telling her it was to much but Cathy would not hear of it. The maids came in and helped with her hair and makeup. When she put the dress on she looked in the mirror and and couldn't recognize herself. Leaving her room she walked down the winding staircase she looked a vision. The color of her dress complemented her ivory skin, hair and eyes perfectly. David and Cathy went to the stairs to greet her. All eyes turned to her but the gentleman in the back corner had his breath taken away, she was gorgeous and the mother of his son. Misty pales when she saw how beautiful Peggy was. Jake had already told her they were done. She was there with George who also was staring at Peggy with a look of admiration. Misty thoughts were, who does this person think she is to come into my territory and bewitch my men. She thought I have to get rid of her.
Jake stepped forward and said Peggy may I escort you tonight which Peggy nodded yes. George and Misty was seated beside Cathy. George was in a foul mode because he wanted to sit next to Peggy but their host knew enough to keep them separated. Francis was there with Margaret and Verity with Andrew they were across and besides Peggy and Jake along with David. They all had a lovely evening situated away from Misty who was upset because she wasn't able to cause problems for Peggy.
After dinner when dancing began Jake and Peggy danced, when the second song came on George tapped Jake on the shoulder to cut in. Jake looked at Peggy to see if she wanted to dance with George, she nodded her head and Jake went to the side of the dance floor. Misty made her way over to Jake, "I seem to be at a lose for a partner. Jake looked at her pointed his glass to George and said "you could reclaim George or go and select any of the unattached gentlemen over there, I am not interested and never will be again". Misty was taken aback, "Jake how can you say that, you know you are my one true love". Jake said "that maybe so but you are not mine" and walked away from her. When the dance was done he went an reclaimed his partner. They decided to walk the gardens where Jake told Peggy his feelings "Peggy I don't know where this will lead but I would really like to get to know you and maybe we could spend time as a family with Troy. I knew Misty came between us before but she will not ever again, she doesn't compare to you. Please give us a chance". Peggy said "you know my rule about second chances this would be your third"! Jake looked so crestfallen that Peggy giggled then looked at Jake seriously and said "you mess this one up and I will never forgive you". Jake leaned over and kissed her. They didn't notice Misty watching from the balcony, she made herself a promise Jake will be hers until she tires of him. How dare he think he can discard me.

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