Meeting Family

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Peggy was running late for her shift at the hospital, she was finishing dressing while Troy was eating his breakfast.  There was a knock at the door and Troy still in his Spider-Man underwear when he answered the door. Jake smirked as he bent down to give him a hug, he thought his son was adorable. Troy took him to the kitchen and asked if he wanted some cereal. Jake asked what kind is that? It certainly wasn't sugar coated.  Troy told him it was Life because his mother thought he shouldn't eat to much sugar. Then Jake ask where is your mother? Troy pointed to the bedroom "she is running late, that is why I am eating cereal she usually makes me breakfast." Jake gave Troy a head nod of understanding. Peggy not knowing Jake was there stepped out of the bedroom pulling up her bottoms and carrying her top. She was in the middle of telling Troy to hurry up that his clothes was on his bed, then she looked up and saw Jake smirking. "Good morning Peg would you like a ride to work today? It may save you a few minutes." Troy jumped up and said "I am done," he rinsed out his cup and bowl and put it in the dishwasher. He looked at his dad and said "let me brush my teeth, wash up, get dress then we can leave." Peggy asked, "will you lock up when you leave, she said, "since I am late? If it wouldn't be to much bother I'll leave now, oh do you have the list." He handed her the list "I'll call every hour and feel free to call me at any time Jake told her." Peggy took the paper  grabbed her protein drink for breakfast and her sandwich for lunch.  "Bye Troy, I love you, please be good and remember your manners," Peggy yelled.  Troy poked his head out of the bathroom door and said "I will, love you mom" and went back to brushing his teeth. Peggy left giving Jake the squinty eye. She never left Troy with anyone beside the sitter and she was feeling emotional leaving him with Jake, but he was his dad after all.
Troy and Jake's first stop was at Twenwith, he knocked at the door and Mrs Tabb opened the door.  He told her his Aunt Agatha was expecting him. She opened the door further and told him they were in the parlor. Troy looked around and said "wow is your Aunt Rich and who are all the people in the pictures?" Jake said "this is my Uncles house and the pictures are all my ancestors." "Can you tell me all their names," Troy asked? Jake said "one day but not today, today you are going to meet my Aunt, Uncle and cousins. Okay sport," Jake said and  took Troy's hand.  They entered the room and Jake took Troy to the chair Aunt Agatha sat in, she looked at Troy and then Jake and said "you cannot deny him he is your twin." Jake smirked "I don't want to deny him, this is my son Troy Jacob," he got down in one knee and said "this is my Great Aunt Agatha." Troy looked at a her remembering what his dad said about asking her about her age.  "That means your my great great Aunt right?" Aunt Agatha nodded. Then Troy said "how old are you?" The room broke out laughter except for Misty, who said "the child has no manners." Troy lower lip started to tremble, Jake glared at Misty, while Aunt Agatha got her self under control and said "don't mind her boy she doesn't matter.  Let see I think, I am 94 what  do you think of that? I have lived through 5 generations, oh wait with you it is 6 generations of Poldark's." Troy said "does that mean you know all those people out there in the pictures," he asked pointing to the outer room? Aunt Agatha said "you have your dad bring you to spend the day and I will tell you stories about all of them." Jake asked "Troy what do you think of that," he looked at Misty.  Aunt Agatha said "don't worry about her will make sure she isn't here." Then Troy nodded his head vigorously, and said "I like learning about history." Aunt Agatha bent forward to give him a hug and said "I think we are going to be great friends." Jake gave his Aunt a smile and nod then moved onto his Uncle.  "This is my Uncle Charles, Uncle this is Troy." Uncle Charles held his hand out and Troy took it and said "it is a pleasure to meat you sir." Uncle Charles' chest puffed out and he told "Troy it was his pleasure to meet him and he could visit anytime you want." Next Jake introduced him to Verity who gushed over the little boy, then it was Heath's turn. He said "I never imagined you would be a father before me," he gave Misty a dirty look "but it is nice to meet you Troy let me introduce you to my wife Misty," then he bent down and whispered in Troys ear. "Don't worry about her we all know her as the wicked witch." Troy looked at her and giggled. It didn't escape Jake that she was glaring at Troy. Jake looked at her and said Misty are you unwell maybe you should go to another room, "I wouldn't want my son to catch anything." There was another roar of laughter which Troy was unsure why.
They sat and had tea and juice for Troy.  Also cookies when he took only one, "Uncle Charles told him to take more." Troy said "my mommy says gluttony is a sin, but I am allowed to have another if I am still hungry." Charles smiled and said "right you are my boy,  right you are." They spent the rest of the day exploring the grounds with Verity and Heath. Misty left to visit friends, which Heath suspected was really George. Jake didn't miss a check in call with Peggy when they were getting ready to go in to get lunch Peggy called and asked to talk to Troy.  She couldn't get a word in he was so excited about the house the pictures, animals, garden's and all the people he met. When they hung up Peggy was feeling melancholy and missing her little boy.
Jake then took him to Mellon where his all friends they were excited and happy for Jake, Troy loved the attention, he mostly knew his Mom's friends who were mostly women.  These were mostly men.  He called his friend David and asked if he and his wife could stop over at Nempara, David said he was in luck because he was off today and Cathy had taken the day to spend with him.
Jake took Troy to Nampara where he introduced him to Fiona, and her grandfather Jud and her husband Jim.  He gave him a tour of the house and showed him his room and told him they would go shopping one day so the he can make it special just for him if he ever wanted to stay there. He told him the history of the house and was in impressed by the questions Troy asked. They heard a knock on the door, David and Cathy arrived one look at Troy and they both looked at Jake with raised eyebrows.  Jake said "let me introduce my son Troy, Troy these are my best friends David and his wife Cathy." Cathy said "oh my what a handsome young men just like your father." David said "hello Troy haven't I seen you before," Troy looked at him then smiled. "I know I met you at the hospital where my mommy works." David raised an eyebrow and who is your mommy. "Nurse Peggy Ross." David's face broke into a smile when he realized just who his mother was. "Yes, I know her, she is a wonderful woman and nurse" David said. Troy said "I love her she has always been a good mommy to me, she teaches me how to be a good man, how to read, and makes me yummy food." Then he said "except sometimes like this morning I had to eat yucky cereal." David and Cathy laughed while Jake just smirked.  "She is working a 12 hour shift so Troy and I going to see my property, then to the beach and have a snack, then if we have time maybe a horse ride." Cathy said "we rode our horses over today maybe if we do the horse ride first we could go with you?" Troy looked at his dad and nodded his head and whispered in his ear "I like her she is pretty." He said "you are defiantly my boy." He winked at David.
They took the horses and Jake rode Troy in front of him showing him how to hold the reins.  They rode the boundaries of the estate then down to Nampara Cove and Hendrawna Beach Jake told him both the cove and beach were part of their estate. Troy was in awe.  They ate a snack of grapes, orange slices and carrots and cheese.  Jake saw that the boy ate what was offered thim but preferred the orange slices and carrots.  Troy told them that, "carrots were good for the eyes and oranges were high in vitamin C which kept colds at away." David told him, "you are absolutely correct, your pretty smart boy for being 4." Jake's chest couldn't buff out any further with pride for his son. By the time they made it back to the house Jake realized it was time to take Troy home. No sooner did he get him buckled into the seat then he fell asleep. Jake called and left a message for Peggy asking if she needed a ride or if she wanted him to bring supper back and if so was Chinese good? Peggy called him back and said she had stuff prepared for the meal and if he wanted he could stay and eat with them. He told her Troy was sleeping so she told him where the neighbor had a spare key and she would call them to give it to him. If Troy stayed asleep just to lay him on the couch  and take his shoes off. There was drinks both adult and kids in the refrigerator that she still had an hour and a half left at work and another 10 to get home depending on traffic.

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