Move In With Me

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Misty did everything she could to gain Ross's attention, calling coming to the house text messages. He had Fiona and Jud send her away from the house. He blocked her number so she couldn't call or text. He even put her number in Troy and Peggy's phone to block her number. He told Peggy what was going on because he didn't trust Misty to cause issue's. He said if she came to the house don't even open the door. Peggy was all to happy to accept Jake's idea of avoiding Misty. They had a marvelous three months were they spent time as a family and also a couple.
As happy as Jake and Peggy were, that's how unhappy Misty was. All her attempts to contact Jake had been thwarted, she couldn't even get to Peggy or Troy by phone she had been blocked. Her relationship with George even suffered because he was interested in Peggy. She was beginning to think she needed to get rid of this woman. She hired a private investigator to check into Peggy and her past. She started watching the hospital where Peggy worked to see if she could confront her there. Jake was setting up his company so he spent most of his time at his house. Troy was at the baby sitter. She thought to herself I have to do something or I am going to lose him. The Private Detective was suppose to give his report next week she would wait.
Jake and Peggy was having a night at Nampara. Troy was playing with Garrett, when Jud came into the parlor. Jud informed Jake that Misty was here and she said it was very important that she see him. Peggy and Jake shared a look and Troy actually groaned, which caused Jake and Peggy to laugh. Jake said fine the witch is back. Peggy said maybe if she comes in and sees we are together she will leave us alone. Jake didn't share her optimism but agreed so he told Jud to show her in.
Misty came barreling into the room but stopped short when she saw Peggy. Peggy looked at Troy and told him to go with Jud to get a drink and a biscuit.
Misty wasted no time digging in to Peggy, I should have known you would be here, Jake said why shouldn't she be she is my girlfriend after all. Misty said is she really? Did you know Jake her family was one of the lowest of low from Illugan? Or she missed more school then she went? Her brothers and father had numerous brushes with the law. Did you know she was a motorcycle groupie, God knows what she caught there. Then there was the drunk that killed a girl, that she dated.
Jake shook his head and this has to do with you because, Misty said because I love you! Jake grabbed Peggy's hand I know her background we've talked about both of ours. Let's face it she has put up more with my past because of the harrassment you keep bestowing on us. Now if there is nothing else please leave and Please Please Please leave us alone go see Heath or George. Misty stomped her feet and left.
Jake hugged Peggy and said there is something I've been wanting to ask you! Peggy raised her eyebrows. Jake took her hands in his and said move in with me? I want to wake up with you beside me go to sleep holing you. Share my bathroom with you and share my closet space. Only with you I Love you. Troy would get the bonus of having both of his parents with him. Please say yes.
Peggy looked at him and said "yes!"
Jake let a whoop that had Troy running in saying "she said yes we are moving here." Jake having had pick up Peggy twirling around stopped and said "yes." Troy started dancing.
Fiona came in and said, I am so happy you will be around. Especially now, Peggy looked at her and Fiona said "I am pregnant again. I know I am trying to get my husband to get snipped but he is afraid of the pain."The women was laughing at the look of pain in Jake's face. Jake said "I don't blame him."
Peggy and Troy moved in with Jake and although it was a longer trip to work, Peggy was saving a mint on Rent and the babysitter for Troy. Fiona and Jud would take him with them when Jake was working and Troy did have the run of the farm outside. David and Cathy even asked him to spend time with them.
Jake had to go out of town for a week they were being offered a job for security that would gross a big payoff and his team was looking forward to it. He was going to the client to get a better look at what would be needed. He was apologetic to Peggy because he really didn't want to leave Troy or her but this was what he was working toward. Peggy assured him that they would be fine when he was gone and she would make his homecoming very pleasant. He kissed her and said "can I get some of that pleasure now," Peggy smirked and said "if you want." Jake said "I want, I want."
The next morning Jake said goodbye to Troy, he said "my son you are the master of the hose now so be a good boy and mind your mother and help Fiona and Jud if they ask, okay"? Troy nodded and hugged Jake his lip trembling, Jake held his chin and said "hey my boy I will only be gone a week and I will be back, why don't you train Garrett to do a new trick!" Troy shook his head and they hugged again.
Peggy drove Jake to the airport before her shift, he hugged her and she started laughing. He said what and Peggy explained his face was the exact same as Troy's that morning. She said "hey you will be back in a week. Why don't you teach yourself a knew trick for me?" He quirked a brow, huh then he caught on. "Ooo homework I may have to watch some porn." Peggy busted out laughing. They kissed and after watching Jake go to check in she left.
It was a pretty quiet first two days Peggy was working at the office and her and Troy were trying to teach Garrett new tricks. Fiona and Jud told her that Troy was being and exceptional help during the day and every night before bed Jake would FaceTime and they would go over everything that happened doing the day. She told Jake that Troy was going to spend the day with Cathy because David was working and she had a 12 hour shift. He told Troy to be good for her and to listen. Troy told him he would. He told them both he missed them and then said oh how is training Garrett, Troy giggled Momma said "we can't teach an old dog new tricks." Jake said "I think I may have learned a few" and winked at Peggy who started giggling. They said good night. After she got Troy bathed and dressed for bed , he asked her if he could sleep with her. She said sure and realized he was missing Jake. She went into bath and got in and snuggled her little lover.

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