Setting It Right

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David sees Peggy at the hospital and asked her how she doing Peggy looks at him just hunches her shoulders. "You know he promised me two days before he would always put Troy first, I never wanted my son to feel like he was not good enough. I don't know what to do. Troy misses his father but I don't know if I can trust him with his heart". David looks at her and says "or with your heart". Peggy said, "I gave him a second chance and he threw back in my face I never give second chances but I did him. He will not get a third ever. Too many men have taken so much from me he has broken my trust. I keep thinking if I wasn't there my son could have been seriously injured. He didn't spare him a thought. I learnt a long time ago that you couldn't make someone care for me but I wanted to spare my son that hurt". Tears were escaping and she looked away and said "I have to go back to work".
David stopped at Nempara to see Jake, He told him he saw Peggy today. He said "do you know her father beat her and never gave her any praise, she was just a slave for the family. She was hurt by the man who should have protected her from any hurt. It is hard for her to have faith in men. Then you come along and make her feel like she is special and what do you do, treat her as her father did, oh I know in a different way but still the same. One thing she made you promise is you would always put Troy first and did you keep that promise?"
Jake hung his head, "how can I make it better he," asked David?David told him "I don't think you can".
Peggy wasn't eating she knew she needed to stay strong for Troy but she felt like she failed him. It had been about a week since Troy had seen his dad and he was miserable. Peggy had lost 20 pounds in that week and she just didn't have the strength to fight with Troy. So she called Jake when Jake saw who it was he picked up immediately asking if everything was all right. Peggy told him that "Troy wanted to spend time with you and if you want you could pick him up in an hour, if you don't have anything to do". He thought to himself she should be at work. "Where should I pick him up at"Jake asked? "Here at the house I am home today so just knock I will have him ready", she hung up the phone.
She went into Troy's room, hey she said "do you want to go with your dad? He lifted his shoulders. Is the witch going to be there". Peggy giggled who told you to call her that?" Troy answered "Aunt Agatha. "Peggy told him, you can ask your dad about the witch when he came.  Then she let him know that if he didn't want "the witch" with them when they visited he should tell his dad and if he wasn't okay with that, she wouldn't make him go." She got him ready, Troy looked at her and said "mommy are you going to be alright if I go?" Peggy hugged him and kissed his forehead, "sweetheart mommy will be fine, it is my job to worry about you not the other way around." They were watching tv when the knock sounded at the door. Peggy gave her boy a kiss then told him to, "go ahead and go, just shut the door when you leave, oh wait." She ran into the kitchen and took a phone out of her purse. "If you need me you hit number 1 and the green button here and it will call me okay." He said "okay" and gave his mother another kiss. Another knock came at the door. She told him he better go and that she loved him. He went out the door.
The first thing Troy asked Jake was "is the witch was going to be with them." Jake laughed and said "no my boy it is just you and me, if she comes then I will send her away." Troy nodded. He then showed his dad his phone and showed him how to call his mother if he needed her. Jake nodded and said "that is good you can always be able to reach her." Troy looked at his dad and said "I am worried about mommy, she looks like she is sick and she cry's a lot when she holds me and tells me she is sorry but she didn't do anything. My friend at the sitter lost his mommy she went to heaven, he said she got sick. I don't want mommy to go away from me. She cooks me meals but she doesn't eat, that is how I know she is sick."
Jake felt his heart breaking he knew she was having a hard time trusting him with their son.
Jake got down one knee and asked Troy if he wanted to do something special for his mother? Troy nodded and said, "well what if we get her flowers and get her favorite meal, do you know of something else your mommy might like?" Troy thought a minute and said, "a dog." Jake had to laugh he knew who wanted a dog.
They reached Nampara and Jake asked Fiona any ideas she could give him as to what he could give Peggy as a gift she suggested, "maybe a bracelet or necklace with Troy's birthstone."
Jake took Troy riding and they went to Hendrawna beach. Jake saw that Troy kept glancing around for someone. Jake said, "who are you looking for?" He said "the witch." Jake laughed and said "don't worry I got rid of her and if she comes back I will tell her to leave." Jake led the horse around instructing Troy on how to guide him using the reins and his legs. They then left to do some shopping, Jake asked Troy, "what is your mothers favorite food?" Troy said, "Henshaws pizza." Jake  thought to himself of course it is. So he called an ordered pizza's to be picked up 15 minutes before Troy was due home. Then they went to the jeweler's where Jake purchased a mother and child necklace with Troy's birthstone. They went to the pound where Troy picked the ugliest puppy Jake had ever seen. When asked, "why," Troy said,"because he needed someone to love." Jake thought he is so good hearted like his mother. The last place before they picked up the pizza was the flower shop. He picked a beautiful bouquets of mixture of flowers.
Jake carried the flowers pizza and the leash and Troy carried the necklace. They knocked at the door and found it unlocked. They went in and found that Peggy was laying there sleeping. Jake put the pizza on the counter and left the puppy off the leash, who immediately ran to Peggy kissing her face. She woke and looked at the puppy hugging it and rubbing its head, then she looked at Troy, "dad said we can keep him at Nampara." Well what is his name?" Troy said, "we thought you could name him since he is your dog." Peggy looked "My Dog, well then how about Garrett?" Troy gave her the necklace and she cried and hugged him.
Then Jake stepped forward and handed her the flowers. She didn't look at him but thanked him for giving them to her. He said I brought pizza for supper since Troy said it was your favorite, he smirked.
Jake noticed she was thinner still beautiful but she had lost weight and her eyes had a sad look to them.
Troy went to wash his hands and face before they ate. Jake said "I need to talk to you, maybe after we eat and Troy is in bed,"she just nodded. The plates are in the cupboard Troy can show you. "Since you are here I'll go take my shower.  I'll come out and get it when it is his bed time." Jake looked at the pizza, "I thought we could eat together." "There is no we there is a Troy and you and Troy and I but there is no we.  I told you I usually don't do second chances but I did with you there will be no third. You want a relationship with your son okay, but if you hurt him I will never let you near him again. Are we clear?" Jake shook his head. He thought winning her over is going to be tough. Troy and Jake ate the pizza, Troy was upset that his mother wouldn't eat with them but Jake said,  "look mate I made a big mistake and it will take her some time to forgive me so we just have to be patient with her."

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