Beginning Note

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Hi!! I can't say how grateful I am that you decided to open this book. I am a huge keeper fan, but I want more Keephie in the books. So... I decided to write a fanfic! You know what this means... all the characters (except a few) are Shannon Messenger's.

I'm not that good a writer, so if you see anything grammatically incorrect, please comment. It would really help!

Also, the first six part is about Sophie alone in the Forbidden Cities, so if you don't want to read it, then you can skip to chapter seven. If so, then scroll down to see the important parts and info that are in the first six chapters. 

But if you are willing to read it... Then go for it!





Chapter One:

- Sophie's identity in the Forbidden Cities is Emma Hart. 

- She works at a hospital.

- Besides that, nothing important. 

Chapter Two:

- Finds an orphan girl named Charlotte. 

-Adopts her.

Chapter Three:

- Has a nightmare. (This is sort of important, so I'm going to put it here.)

Fin (he is Sophie's collage) stood in front of her, his head cocked to the side. His lips were tilted upwards in a lopsided smile. It looked more like a smirk.

"So," Fin said, touching Sophie's waist. Her bare waist. She shuddered, not wanting to think of how that happened. "You ready?"

Sophie didn't know what to do. But the temptation was too strong. "S-sure." She said.

Fin smiled, leaning forward, oh so close, Sophie could see how many eyelashes he had, a lot more than her probably. Not a centimeter was left between them, 9 millimeters, 8 millimeters...

Blond. Blond. Blond. Blond hair was all Sophie saw -- the pretty curls being cut off.

"No!" Sophie screamed. She felt her stomach clenching into knots, with a tiny bit of hatred burning in the middle, but quickly being pushed down by regret and grief. "Stop!"

"Like we'll ever take orders from you." A cold, drawling voice said. "It's just her hair! You should be thanking me right now, not screaming like a pathetic baby."

Sophie locked eyes with the blue ones, and she saw her nod. A sob escaped Sophie. No, no, no.

A medler appeared in Sophie's hand.

- Sophie finds out she is a conjurer.

- Tells Charlotte about the Lost Cities

Chapter Four:

- Takes a break from work - manifesting makes her feel sick.

-  News about a man levitating in San Diego. 

- There is a video of it, and Sophie finds out the mysterious man is Tam. 

Chapter Five:

-  Sophie goes back to work and is immediately met with an emergency. Rushes over to help to find an unharmed boy.

- Apparently, he had seen a vision when playing at recess. It came to him after he spotted a great wolf. The vision was about elves. 

- The adults see the vision too. But they see something children don't see. It is that the elves and humans are going to war.  

Chapter Six:

- There are newspaper coming out, and some said the humans should start preparing for war. 

- Decides to go back to the Lost Cities to warn the elves.

If you read these short summary things, you can skip to Chapter Seven. See you there!

SilverFox out. 

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