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Mandy's pov

After the car ride we arrived at a roller skating rink "Well are you excited." He smiled, I nodded vigurisouly, but I'm afraid I would fall on my ass in front of everyone and they would all laugh at me.

We walked inside hand and hand, we waited in line for us to get a ticket for our skates, we made it up in line " How many people?" The bored lady asked for probably the billionth time in her life "Two." He said "Twenty bucks please." He handed her twenty dollars and we got our tickets and showed them to the man and went inside.

On our right side there was the food court sort of area with a bunch of booths and a snack area and then the skating rink in front of it, then in front of us is are huge round seats.

We went further down and got our skates Kian a size 11 in men me and size 8 in women, we walked towards the

We were really close to the rink so we didn't have to skate to the rink kian was already on there holding a hand out to help me , I shook me head. " I'll catch you if you fall" he says and smiles

I smile slightly back in return I grab his hand he is in front on me skating backwards "How the hell can you do that?" My moth hung wide open "I've done this since I was little." He said

We were skating to the song Gold Digger by Kanye West "I'm gonna let go of your hand okay?" I nodded

He let go of my hands and I was skating by my self again I put my foot stopper out and almost fell but like Kian said he would catch me and he did "Told you so." He smiled "Shut up." I laughed

We skated around the rink a few more times to different songs.

We eventually sat down at the booth to rest " I want food." I got up and skated my way and walked up the steps in my skates and got in line "Hi what can I get you?" The lady asked behind the counter.

"Umm can I get sour patch kids and a nerds rope and a medium blue slushy" I said to the lady she nodded " that will be 7.24 " Before I handed her the money a hand beat me to it.

"This is a date, and they guy is suppose to pay." Kian says "How sexist." I say, Kian shrugs and laughed.
I gave Kian his candy and I had mine and we shared the slush we took some cute photos and kissed in a few it was a great night."Dates not over yet babe."He smirked

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