Chapter 25: Where is Cora? - Present time

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Third person's POV

"Is this really a good idea?" Naheed asked Dara as they were in the elevator, going up to floor 4, where Rose's room was located.

Dara glanced at Naheed. "I want to see for myself how she's doing," She sighed deeply. "After the situation with Cora, I'm worried about Rose."

Naheed huffed. "I can't believe Cora was so ignorant."

Dara eyed Naheed.

He shrugged.

The elevator opened. They got out and walked towards Rose's room. "Remember to be gentle with her," Dara said as they approached the room. "She probably won't recognize us."

Naheed nodded and they both entered the room. "She's sleeping..." Naheed sighed and sat down at a chair in the room. "What do we do now?"

Dara looked at Rose and immediately felt bad for her. "Look at her," She stood right next to Rose. "You can just tell she's unhappy."

Naheed looked at Rose too and frowned. "How do you see that?" He frowned more. "I only see her sleep."

Dara sighed and returned her attention to Rose. "I wonder if she feels lonely," She looked at Naheed. "She doesn't know anyone around her," She then looked back at Rose. "I can't imagine feeling so lost..."

"Well, there's one person who had the job of taking care of her..."

Dara sighed once more and looked at Naheed. "It's been hard for Cora too."

"It's been hard for Rose," Naheed got up. "She's the one who lost everything, you just said so yourself!"

"Shh," Dara looked at Rose, making sure she was still asleep. She then looked back at Naheed. "I know I said that," She sighed. "But we can't forget how hard this has been on Cora either. She's been by Rose's side ever since the accident. It's been a lot for her too."

Naheed huffed and crossed his arms. "She should've done a better job."

Dara looked away a bit. She wanted to defend her best friend but she couldn't help to agree with Naheed. It wasn't Rose's fault she forgot everything. Rose needed help and Cora lashed out at her for that.

As they were both looking away from Rose, neither of them saw how she was slowly waking up. She had heard their voices faintly. She blinked a bit and saw two people she didn't know. She gulped. "W-who are you?"

Dara and Naheed looked at Rose. 

"It's alright, Rose," Dara said as she reached out to Rose. "We're your friends."

Rose immediately pulled away from Dara, she was afraid. She didn't know these people.

"I'm your friend," Naheed said as he slowly walked closer. "Naheed."

"I'm Dara," Dara smiled at Rose. "We're the ones who're taking care of Hope for the moment."

Rose's interest was peaked then. "Hope?" She smiled. "My daughter?" She paused before saying: "Is she alright?"

Dara and Naheed looked at each other before looking at Rose. "Yes," Dara smiled at Rose. "She's doing well. She's playing with her toys, she loves to play soccer in our garden, and she made some drawings," Dara then took her bag and opened it. She took out one of Hope's drawings. "She made this one for you."

Rose took the drawing from Dara and smiled at it. She looked at it and tried to figure out exactly what it all could be. "It's beautiful," She concluded. "Thank you for bringing me this."

Dara could see Rose was getting emotional, so she nudged Naheed. Naheed caught on and looked at Rose. "So how have you been?" He tried.

Rose looked at Naheed. "I think I've been well," She looked back at the drawing. "But I can't help to feel guilty."

"Guilty?" Naheed asked.

Dara frowned. "Why do you feel guilty?" 

Rose looked down. "I don't want to disappoint anyone."

"Who would you disappoint?" Dara asked gently. "You're trying your best."

"Well, I know one person..." Naheed mumbled to which Dara nudged him again. "It's true though."

Dara shrugged him off and looked at Rose. "All you can do, is your best."

Rose gulped and put the drawing aside. She then looked down at her hands as she was fidgeting with them. "I want to do well."

"Rose," Naheed walked closer to Rose. "You are doing well, it's not your fault Cora lashed out at you."

"Naheed!" Dara raised her voice a bit.

"We all know it's true, Dara," He said before looking at Rose. "Have you seen her since the incident?"

"Naheed, she may not even remember that incident," Dara groaned before looking at Rose. "I'm sorry, Rose, we didn't want to upset you."

"You're not upsetting me." Rose said gently.

Dara looked at Rose and wondered what exactly she had remembered of the incident. Rose didn't seem to be that upset so Dara assumed she forgot most of it. "Do you remember what happened?"

Rose looked at Dara. "When?"

"With you and Cora." Naheed said.

Dara rolled her eyes. She knew Rose never remembered anyone's name. Rose would need some help but Naheed seemed to forget... "Cora is your - "

"She's my wife," Rose said calmly. "She should be by my side," She then looked around. "I wonder where she is..."

Dara was baffled. "Y-you remember her?" She looked at Naheed and saw even he was surprised. They both clearly didn't expect Rose to remember a thing.

"Of course," Rose smiled a bit. "She's my wife," She then frowned. "Where is she?"

"Rose," Naheed stepped even closer. "Cora was pushing you too much and you ended up crying. A nurse - "

"A nurse pulled her away. Yes, I know," Rose frowned more. "I want to know where she is now."

Naheed looked at Dara, they once again were shocked Rose remembered this too. "Rose..."

"What else do you remember?" Dara tried. "Do you remember when you two got married?"

Rose frowned. "Where is Cora?"

"Do you remember when you two got the house?"

"Dara," Naheed interrupted Dara as he could tell Rose was getting upset. "I think she really wants to see Cora."

Dara then noticed how upset Rose was getting. "I'll go get her." She then left the room.

Rose looked at Naheed. "Is Cora angry with me?"

Naheed gulped. "No," He gulped again. "She's just upset because you have a hard time remembering things."

Rose nodded slowly and looked down.

"But I'm sure you two will get through this," Naheed smiled at her. "Just don't give up."

Rose looked at him again. "I try."

"I know, Rose," Naheed smiled at her. "You're doing well."

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